Saturday, November 30, 2013

"Black Friday...Thrift Store Style"


     Yesterday afternoon my hubby and I set out to a few of our favorite thrift stores to see if we would find some treasures...and boy did we ever...


 On top of a ottoman

dining room table

     and I felt like I hit the jackpot with this mirror and frame [I'll discard the deer photo] and use for a chalkboard. You can also view some other post on the mirrors I have found in the past.

 I love these ornate mirrors and frames

 I will paint and age these frames

 also my angel bust

[odd picture in a post... but had to show you the possibilities]
Maytag 'Neptune' Gas Washer and Dryer
[$273.00 for both...almost new]

     If you want know more about how I acquired these well just leave me a comment... trust me you never know what you can find at a good thrift store. Have you found something odd lately? I would love to hear...but trust me these were an answer to prayer!

     Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and fabulous finds.

     The Blue Farmhouse

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

"Happy Thanksgiving 2013"

We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing;
He chastens and hastens His will to make known,
The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing
Sing praises to His name; he forgets not His own,
Beside us to guide us, our God with us joining,
Ordaining, maintaining His kingdom divine
So from the beginning the fight we were winning
Thou Lord were at our side, all glory be Thine...
Anonymous/Unknown, 1597
 My husband and Pastor
 Family Past
 Family Present
Our precious granddaughters
     It's on this occasion... I recall hearing this hymn sung as a child growing up in The First Baptist Church....and I will never forget all the blessing of growing up in a loving and caring family and neighborhood then...and moving forward all these many years later...I can still say I'm blessed and so very thankful to God for all He has been to me? How about you?
     Happy Thanksgiving Day...
The Blue Farmhouse


Monday, November 25, 2013


-Pinterest image-

     Honestly...what's not to love here. Every time I think I have found a more beautiful mirror than the last one...and then you see an image like this! 
     And that's why I love collecting and having others share the same appreciation for such beautiful these mirrors.

     The Blue Farmhouse

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"Just Some Time For Me...Finds"

 A beautiful addition 
[Just in time for Thanksgiving]

 Service for 4

Ironstone China Platter

     I was really lucky to find these beautiful dishes...while I was on my little "me time" road trip. I have lots of blue dishes but none quite as beautiful as these plates. And I love the rectangle platter...I can use it with my collection of brown and white dishes.

     So until then... happy collecting, thrifting and here's to finding many treasures on your next "me time trip".... 

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Monday, November 18, 2013

"Just Some Me Time"

     It felt great to take some time just for "me" this morning. So what did I do? I got in my car and leisurely drove to one of my favorite destination...beautiful Los Olivos.  As I head out of town immediately I felt myself exhale and relax while soaking in the surrounding sights of fall...and of course uncovering some great finds and eating at Panino's.

     So until next time happy thrifting, collecting and exhaling...oh and don't forget to come back to see some dishes I found...they're beautiful!

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Miles and miles of vineyards adorning their beautiful shades of reds, golds and yellow for Fall

All roads lead home...
Oh how I'd love to live in Los Olivos

Love the pale yellow and blue door of someone's abode

 You're in for a beautiful surprise...Come on in

A breathe taking shop Avec Moi Decor
new location

 A shop you must visit 

Congratulations Michele...
Your new location is spectacular!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

"Starting Again..."

     It just occurred to me that the majority of my post have "me" pictured in them. I'm not egocentric [in case you were wondering]...but it's the only way I have figured out how to take pictures of my finds. In fact, I want to take a photography class [I really need it] in the meantime this will have to do.

     Thankfully I experienced great success selling these ornate [repurposed] frames, dishes and all other things 'Blue Farmhouse Style' at this years Remnants of the Past Show. I came close to completely selling out so I'm starting to replenish my supply for future shows.

     If there's one thing I know for sure...fads may come and go but these beautiful finds will never go out of style...they just add timeless beauty to any home decor.

     Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and finding fabulous finds.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

 Beautiful frames

Favorite dish pattern/Blue Nordic English Ironstone

These were just a few

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

"A Very Special Visitor..."

     Dreams really do come true...and this one I will never ever forget because a very special visitor walked into my booth around 8am as we were making last minute touches [hanging chandeliers, etc..] before opening the show to a long line of anxious shoppers. As she's walking towards me I immediately recognized her and the rest is history. This lady really needs no introduction to the world of design but just in case you don't recognize the picture...she's Rachel Ashwell of Shabby Chic.

     I can't begin to tell you how many times I said to my hubby and daughter Nicole [months before arriving]..."wouldn't it be exciting if Rachel Ashwell walked into my space and liked my things." Well that's exactly what happened and I was so nervous I couldn't get my camera to work nor remember my password to unlock my iPad.

     In fact she chose these beautiful dishes [excluding some] and was gracious enough to let me snap a few pictures as she browsed around. This was indeed a hope, a wish, a dream, a prayer and it really happened. So thank you Rachel Ashwell for making this "little known" bloggers personal dream come true...and if I might add you made a great choice! I loved those dishes.

     Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and please don't wake me up from this feels that good each time I recount it.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

 Me and Rachel Ashwell

 Rachel checking out the dishes

A dream come true...thank you Rachel Ashwell

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

"This Is What Dreams Are Made Of...."

     If you have never been to The Remnants of the Past Vintage Show you must treat yourself to this spectacular 2 day event... Here's a few beautiful items that "caught" my eye....

 Rust & Roses

 Love this Beethoven bust

 Creativity everywhere

 Loved this sign

Perfect staging

We did it!

Monday, November 11, 2013

"Looks Like We Made It"

     This past weekend has been more than was over the top fabulous. I so enjoyed being a vendor at my first big show "Remnants of The Past Vintage Show" in San Luis Obispo... and definitely not my last.

     All my prayers answered and financial goals met...including a very special visitor to my space...Rachel Ashwell! [Yes...and I'll share photos with you more later]... but I must first say a big thank you to my husband and daughter Nicole for motivating me to go after my dreams. They both supported me all the way and I owe them much gratitude.

     I'll do my very best to capture and recount my weekend in the days to was so much fun as we felt support from fellow vendors as well as from Judy and her staff.

     I do hope you'll come back and share this experience with me. Dreams do come true and prayers were definitely answered.

     Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and remembering...

     The Blue Farmhouse.

 Late night sewing

 Early morning arrivals (with a smile)

 Time to set up

Ryan displaying a special lucky bracelet made by nieces

Time to unload

First day crowds

Thanks team Rita, Tom & Ryan
The Blue Farmhouse. All rights reserved. 2025 BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.