Friday, January 1, 2016

"My Vintage Armoire Find"

My Blue Farmhouse Favorite Find 

Move in day

I love this skeleton key

Stuck drawer...determined guy 


     This is a story of one of my most favorite finds so far with lots (I mean lots) of pictures. It begins with a weekend trip to a couple of thrift stores. I walk in and my eyes scope out my surrounding quickly. Have you ever heard the saying "You snooze you lose" well that has happened to me a few times. Truthfully most of the times it appears that it's sitting there already mark sold to Miss Blue Farmhouse.

     So as I walk to the back I spot this vintage armoire and my heart is pounding out of my chest. I literally can't believe my eyes and then I think play it cool so you can get a better price. Price!?! Who cares I want this piece even though it requires a rearranging of my house or a bigger one. Thankfully my husband sees my vision (well kinda) and we make the purchase. Needless to say we are very happy and I think he loves it more that I do.

     Thank you for listening to my short story and I do hope that you'll come back for the next one.

  The Blue Farmhouse


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