Friday, May 31, 2013

"Look... A Box of...?"

Boxes of old school cards

Lots of different words from A-Z

     So what would you use these for? I was amazed and astonished as I [finally] began to sort through a crate of "stuff" a lady thought I could use. What!? Are you kidding me...use?...I thought I just hit the lottery. I just love it when things just fall into your lap or as some might say "being in the right place at the right time."I'm thinking I can playfully display on some message boards I have, or how about placing a few in some old flower frogs for display or chalkboards...I need your ideas. 

     Okay I'll anxiously anticipate your thoughts or even a photograph because you guys are "creatively and beautifully made" and I read your beautiful blogs.  So until next time I've gotta go and try and be in "the right place at the right time"...who knows what I might find or just fall right into my lap. 

     The Blue Farmhouse

"Week-end Plans?...It's A Family Affair!"

     Thanks to Maria from Dreamy Whites... I have a different set of plans for this weekend [well at least Saturday]. I recall visiting this beautiful blog [which I now follow] last year and read about this event but it was too late. I missed it but not this year! So I'm dumping my plans to sit on the beach and watch while Mr. Blue Farmhouse try out his new fishing kayak.

     Instead I invited my daughter Ryan from The Blooming Thread to attend with me and she agreed. So hopefully I see some of you there...and I may not recognize your faces, but certainly your spaces will attract me to pause and make a purchase. Oops I forgot to say hubby changed his plans too...yes!

     Until next time...hoping to see you at Remnants of The Past Vintage Show in San Luis Obispo, Ca.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

My daughter Ryan

Mr. Blue Farmhouse and Me

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"Some Favorite Finds"

     We probably all have favorite decorated areas in our home and this certainly is one of mine. When I'm slouched on the sofa with my feet up this is a spot my eye gravitates to view. All of the items photographed are finds at a thrift store, consignment shop or free gifts from friends.

     As for right now I decided to leave the candalabras in their original gold least for now. I think it plays nicely off the large ornate white mirror. And I just love how it mimics the mirrors curves too.

     I hope your Wednesday morning is off to a great for my morning coffee. Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and living.

     The Blue Farmhouse

White cabinet free gift from friend
[painted white]

Closer look

Love these glass rosette knobs
[found at Target years ago]

These are a few of my favorite things!

Monday, May 27, 2013

"Memorial Day... Day Road Trip"

     I truly live in one of the most beautiful areas in the world! Our only plans for this Memorial Day weekend was to have no plans...but instead wake up and do whatever we choose. So we chose to take a ride through Foxen Canyon wine trail after a little house and yard work. If you can't make it to France...come and visit Santa Barbara, Santa Ynez Valley and Los Olivos.

     You will not be disappointed instead you'll make plans to return year after year. People from old over the world come to visit the openness of rolling hills, serene and vast ranches, vineyards, huge homes, small homes and everything in between. I'm happy to have this right in my backyard and it's only a 30 minute ride [picturesque] from my house.

     I did pick up a few things [because I couldn't transport only small items] but I'll save it for another post. I hope you had a nice Memorial Day weekend and until next time happy collecting, thrifting and living.

     The Blue Farmhouse.



First time we spotted a buffalo

[Pictures taken with phone...sorry for the quality]

"Garden Bugs"

     You know they say there are some bugs beneficial to a ladybugs. Well, I found this bug in my garden while Mr. BlueFarmhouse was out turning on the sprinklers!

     {Warning... No photoshop, editing...just real bathe, no brushed hair, and need new diaper}

     I love it.... so what bugs do you find in your garden?

      The Blue Farmhouse

You put your right foot in...

You put both hands in...

You take both hands out...

Painted Toe having fun

I love this little "garden bug"

"A New Generation Remembering...Happy Memorial Day"

Painted Toe

I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me....
[Lyrics by Lee Greenwood]

We will tell our children, and our children's children so that they'll not forget the men and women who serve that we may continue to be free. Thank you and God bless America.

The Blue Farmhouse

Saturday, May 25, 2013

"Gifts...Thank You"

     The photos that I'm sharing with you today are all gifts from my bosses fiancee Dave, and a friend from my church. There are times when I get things randomly from a neighbor, or people who say I think this is you... Rita.

     I love angels [trying not to go overboard] and these particular ones were in the garden of Dave's mom who has passed away. And, so is the silver vase, and candelabras which I think I'll hang [rather Mr. Blue Farmhouse] by a white mirror mimicking it's curves and rosettes. I tried to place some random flowers from outside, but I'm no florist. Thank you Dave for these gifts...that belonged to your mother.

     I love all these pieces and I'm looking forward to re-arranging the house again around these gifts...thank you friends. You can share with me your thoughts if you'd like...I love hearing from you and reading your nice comments.

     Until next time...happy collecting, thrifting and gifting.

The beauty is in the imperfections...

Seamstress I am not... [perhaps] I can gift someone who can sew

Should I paint?

Love the scrolls and floral rosettes



    Choices? I face them everyday... choices to be kind, compassionate, encouraging, caring, gentle, joyful, understanding, cheerful, wise and friendly. Joshua issued not only a challenge to choose blessings or or death, but he affirmed to them his choice was to serve the Lord. 

     I'm happy that I found this plague while thrifting in Santa Barbara, but I'm even more "blessed" by choosing to serve Him, which means I serve others too!  You can view the before picture of this beautiful plague here. I'm pleased with the outcome to paint it white... it's fresh and fits into any home color scheme.

     I plan to place it somewhere in my home, where at a moments glance I'm reminded of my serve.

     Until next time happy collecting and thrifting. 

     The Blue Farmhouse.



Thursday, May 23, 2013

"I Will Not Forget"

Dear Veterans,

Thank you for the price you paid
Thank you for the sacrifices you made
Thank you for the freedom it brings
Thank you veterans for everything.

By Rita Horton

What joy for the nation whose God is the Lord...Psalm 33:12a

God bless America

The Blue Farmhouse... Memorial Day Tribute

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"It's A Beautiful Day..."

Early morning watering

Riding to work with flowers in my basket

And then I remembered...

...Yet I dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies begin afresh each morning. I say to myself, "The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him.
Lamentations 3:21-24

The Blue Farmhouse


     Here's my most recent finds... the frame I found while thrifting in Santa Barbara for $10.00. And here are photos of some chairs that were given to me. I have a total of ten chairs, and absolutely no room in my The chairs came from the closure of a local bank in my area, and they are very comfortable and well made.

     I love the hammered nail heads in the chair arms and base. My plans for the four green chairs are to use with a games table. I would like to use the six tan chairs around a old farm style table that I'm sure to find [again] very soon. And then again I might have to live with them for a while and sell later. My plans for the ornate frame is to paint and re purpose into a message board or chalkboard. Now that finals are over hopefully I can get restarted on [yet another] project.

     I would be interested in your thoughts....

     So until next time...happy collecting, decorating and thrifting.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Love the nail heads

That's all folks

Monday, May 20, 2013

"Light Fixture Revealed"

     I will be the first to admit that these aren't good pictures at all. I tried every angle possible...lying down in the bathtub, sitting on the toilet, sitting between the toilet and the tub...darn it and then I got a cramp in my...[you don't want to know]. So to all you great photographers out there...can you lend a friend some advice please?

     Okay here goes nothing and just let me say it's far prettier in person than these pictures. You can view the before pictures in a previous post here. My husband painted the gold trim white and now it doesn't have that dated 70's look at all. Actually it's quite stunning, and that's what I love about thrift stores. You can literally find a dated fixture and just by repainting and wiring you have something beautiful and unique. And it only cost me $3.99 and some manual labor. What do you think?

     Until next time...happy collecting, thrifting and oh... I'm waiting for some advice.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

After painting and rewiring

Before painting

My $3.99 fixture

Saturday, May 18, 2013

"How Does Your Garden Grow"?!?

     Today has been a very busy and fun day indeed...beginning with a 10 a.m. motorcycle run with "The Sons of Thunder" (Christian group) for a tri-tip barbecue fundraiser benefiting area homelessness. We rode by some spectacular landscapes, breathe taking vineyards, and ranches.

     Truthfully, the Central Coastlines of California rivals anything you could find in any other parts of the world, and I feel blessed to have it all in my backyard. Upon returning home hubby and I stopped by Home Depot to purchase some plants for the plastic barrels he found for me (at Home Depot).

     Some of you may remember this post  where I was given this old object that once was used to take out garbage. Today I planted some white geranium ivy that will cascade over the sides as they mature and grow. I'm looking forward to daily seeing the transformation along with the four flower baskets.

     I hope you'll return to see the progress also.

     Until next time...happy collecting and thrifting.

     The Blue Farmhouse.


Hubby drilling holes for drainage


It was a fun day!

Friday, May 17, 2013

"Happy Birthday...Mr Blue Farmhouse"

     I honestly don't know where I would be without this hubby. He is the "blue" in "The Blue Farmhouse" and supports me in all my aspirations, dreams, hopes and many, many, many [did I say many] projects. He's loves to go thrifting and hunting for treasures whether it's vacationing, trips, or just out and about in our neighborhood.

     Happy Birthday to the guy who hangs, moves, negotiates, measures, rearranges, nails, rewires, hauls, drives, paints, advices, pays, and is "silent" when I just have to have it my way.

     Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and birthdays....

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


     I hope that wherever you are...and whatever you're doing... are the beginnings of a great day. Mine has started with an early rise to do a little painting before heading to a doctors appointment and work. So, here's a little peek-a-boo of some DIY projects I'm working on.

     I found this lamp at a thrift store in town (really cheap) and I love the cherubs all around the base. When completed I will use some sandpaper and scuff up a bit to reveal some of the gold base color. What about pairing it with this gold cherub clock I found at "Sweet Repeats" for $3.00? I think it would look nicely on a night stand in a child's room or any place to momentarily glance and be reminded of nothing but serenity.

     I can't wait to show you the finished projects (a new lampshade and blackboard) as well as something new (but it's old) that just dropped in my lap on yesterday!

     Until then....happy collecting and completing your DIY projects. What are you working on?

     The Blue Farmhouse....

Painting frame and lamp

Little gold cherub clock

The Blue Farmhouse. All rights reserved. 2025 BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.