Saturday, December 28, 2013

"Who Stole the Cookie..."?

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
[name of a child in the circle]
Stole the cookie from the cookie jar.
Who me?
Yes, you!
Not me! Couldn't be! Wasn't me
Then who?

...are those cookie or cracker crumbs?

i love these jars and brown and white ironstone platter

     I remember playing this game with childhood friends growing's kinda like 'ring around the roses'. Anyway...I found these jars with these white lids while taking a quick jaunt to a thrift store in Los Olivos. I think I can find a variety of ways to use them... And I love finding brown and white ironstone too. Not to shabby finds...while out for a little drive...alone.

     I hope you find inspiration here....

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Friday, December 27, 2013

"The Morning After...One Year Later"

Oh, How The Years Go By
[Amy Grant]

And oh how the years go by
And oh how the love brings tears to my eyes...
As the years go by.

Christmas 2012
Christmas 2013

     The chorus to this beautiful song came to mind while hanging out with Painted 2 days after Christmas. Hasn't she grown? She certainly has and I'm thankful that we were together again for yet another Christmas...although...some of the family live far (Lil' Brown Feet and Snowflake). 

     My always my best gift. So until next time happy collecting, thrifting and hoping to see you in the year 2014! 

     The Blue Farmhouse

Monday, December 23, 2013

"Merry Christmas Everyone"

~A Favorite Photo~

"It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year"

It's the most wonderful time of the year
With the kids jinglebelling and everyone telling you
Be of good cheer
It's the most wonderful time of the year

It's the hap-happiest season of all
With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings
When friends come to call
It's the hap-happiest season of all

There'll be parties for hosting
Marshmallows for toasting And carolling out in the snow
There'll be scary ghost stories
And tales of the glories of Christmases long, long ago

It's the most wonderful time of the year
There'll be much mistletoe-ing
And hearts will be glowing
When loved ones are near
It's the most wonderful time of the year

It's the most wonderful time of the year
There'll be much mistletoe-ing
And hearts will be glowing
When loved ones are near
It's the most wonderful time
It's the most wonderful time
It's the most wonderful time of the year

...The Blue Farmhouse

Friday, December 20, 2013

"Fad or Fabulous?"

     I'm just wondering...what are your thoughts on incorporating vintage doors in your home decor? I'm not much for fad's or the latest craze...however I love these architectural pieces [like beautiful old doors] alongwith other finds that certainly add instant character to any space.

     Can you imagine how excited I was when I found this old door and it was free [um...I think]! I spotted it in a vacant yard of a trailer park while on my lunch break.. returning later with my husband to load and the rest is...well this post.

     What attracted me to this door is the big window pane. I have definitely conjured up a few ideas on how I could use this door once it's all cleaned up... fresh coat of paint and some simple decorative stenciling.  Here's a few beautiful images from Pinterest on how doors are being used in today's home decor. What do you think? Fad or Fabulous?

-Pinterest Images-

 I love the big window

The Blue Farmhouse

Monday, December 16, 2013

"Featuring....One Kings Lane & Me"

     I received a request by Chloe from the online home decor retailer One Kings Lane to do a post featuring a "statement chair" in my home that reflects my personal style. This wasn't a hard decision at all and I'm thrilled to say that they [all seven] were free! There are many things about these chairs that I love including the comfort, workmanship, color and especially the nail head trim featured on the arms, curved back, sides and front.

     In a previous post "A New Look" you get a close up glimpse of these chairs and I mentioned that they were acquired from a bank that closed. I didn't need a history lesson on nailhead trimmed chairs to know that these were a keeper! My initial vision was to pair them with an old farmhouse table [which I don't have...right now] remember I'm a one day I will. And if I couldn't find one in my many thrift store outings either one of these tables [Monastery Collection or the Salvaged Wood Trestle Collection] would definitely work!

     Currently these caramel colored leather chairs are featured with a old oval style table I found and painted white. I love how the color punctuates the white distressed table with accents pillows pulling in the paisley colored pillows and blue pillows from Pottery Barn. So here's to living with what you love and until next time happy collecting, thrifting and just being "beautiful" you.

     For more information please visit One Kings Lane Home Decor Resource Guide designed to inspire and educate home decor enthusiasts like yourself.

     The Blue Farmhouse

Nailhead trim dates back to the period of 1560-1643 and the advent of French Country Style during the reign of Louis XIII

 Up close


Friday, December 13, 2013

"I'm Dreaming Of A.....?!"

     I'm thankful for the opportunity to share in my blog what truly brings me JOY. I have been collecting for a long time and probably dreaming just as long too! I love the anticipation of what I might find when I go thrifting...and rarely return home empty handed. In my home we live side by side with these finds...mixing the old and new and always something blue. 

      I appreciate each time you pause to read...leaving me a sweet comment acknowledging that something here has spoken to your heart too.

     So here's to dreaming of...

 beautiful chandeliers

 Vintage blues

 Vintage ladies



and more frames


and more dishes...


Lots of mirrors

The Blue Farmhouse

Thursday, December 12, 2013

"Who's That Lady?"

Who's that lady? 
Who's that lady?
Lovely lady
Who's that lady?
Real fine lady
Who's that lady?

~Song by The Isley Brothers~

     You may not have ever heard of this song [oldie but goodie]...but I'm very ecstatic about this fine lady! I've always wanted one and thanks to my hubby I now have one of my own! I look forward to finding a very special place for her...but as for right now she can help to welcome everyone into our "Home Sweet Home".

     Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and finding a beautiful lady...just like this one...

The Blue Farmhouse

 Vintage dress form

She is ~Home Sweet Home~

Sunday, December 8, 2013

"Pure Love..."

     What can I say...except that I love finding these old mirrors and frames. They add instant character into a home no matter your decorating style. Looking back I never really thought much about collecting them but going forward...well they truly are irresistible.

     I'm very happy about finding these pieces... and now I'm off to clean them up and store for a future show. Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and finding "pure love".

     The Blue Farmhouse

Saturday's finds

Monday, December 2, 2013

"Filling A Void..."

     Do you have a space on your wall that's just missing something? And you don't want to put just anything. If you find yourself in this predicament as I do at times my solution is to just wait until I find the perfect piece. Well I've had things in this spot but nothing seemed to fit the bill except... for this's perfect!

     I'm in love love love with these over-the-top ornate clocks. I've only seen 2 in all my times of thrifting [that I can remember] or either someone had one in their hands [oh man...that actually happened at a Goodwill store] before I could get there first.

     This one had the time hands bent off by you know who....yes...Painted Toe...but it's okay because the hubby will take care of it for me and I love her too much to be upset...well at least for too long.

     So until next time happy collecting, thrifting and "filling the voids" in your home, on your walls or wherever.

The Blue Farmhouse

The culprit
~yes I did it~


 Mid century decorative clock

[love how it picks up the gold color in the gold mirror and white mirror behind it]

p.s. mirrors, frames, pictures stored there more space:(

Sunday, December 1, 2013

"New Look"

new dining room chairs

Old look

     I loved the old look of the dining room with the ladder back style chairs...but I'm also in love with the nail heads [reminds me of chairs we saw growing up] and color of the new dining room chairs.       Actually these chairs aren't new at old but they came from a local bank that closed in my area. There is a total of 7 and they are leather and quite comfortable for dining.

     I spotted some newer chairs in similar style to these at Pottery Barn but thankfully mine were freebies. In fact everything [except new rattan chairs] in my dining room are fabulous finds that have been repurposed in some way or another.

     I love mixing the old with the new and defining my own personal space I call....

The Blue Farmhouse style

ps. thank's for dropping by and please do come again!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

"Black Friday...Thrift Store Style"


     Yesterday afternoon my hubby and I set out to a few of our favorite thrift stores to see if we would find some treasures...and boy did we ever...


 On top of a ottoman

dining room table

     and I felt like I hit the jackpot with this mirror and frame [I'll discard the deer photo] and use for a chalkboard. You can also view some other post on the mirrors I have found in the past.

 I love these ornate mirrors and frames

 I will paint and age these frames

 also my angel bust

[odd picture in a post... but had to show you the possibilities]
Maytag 'Neptune' Gas Washer and Dryer
[$273.00 for both...almost new]

     If you want know more about how I acquired these well just leave me a comment... trust me you never know what you can find at a good thrift store. Have you found something odd lately? I would love to hear...but trust me these were an answer to prayer!

     Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and fabulous finds.

     The Blue Farmhouse

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