Monday, January 30, 2012

"Another Project"

     When I first spotted this table and chairs, it was the chairs that I was actually wanted.  Currently in the dining room I have 4 ladder back style chairs and 2 rattan chairs coupled with a round white table (that I painted and repurposed).

     I have been looking for some other (good quality) ladder back chairs in the style I have now but this is my problem. To my amazement, when I'm out "thrifting" I often find that individual chairs cost more than a table with chairs. The Pottery Barn has a table set with wooden chairs and rattan chairs together, but I just can't justify the cost. So, I continue to look knowing eventually I will come across exactly want I'm looking for.

     In fact, while out thrifting I found some beautiful ladder back chairs at a thrift store and they wanted $200 per chair! I passed hoping that when I returned they'd be reduced, but when I did return they were gone.

     So, one day on my way home from school we stop into a thrift store and I see this table set and I want the chairs! The price was right, even though the chairs aren't the same quality this set has potential.

     In the near future I plan to paint the table and later use as a card/game table or a table for outdoor summer entertaining. I promise to repost pictures when I paint it and you can let me know what you think.

     Until next time....Happy "thrifting".

Table and chairs
(My $79.00 purchase)

Another look

The table is covered in my favorite color palette (blue & white) bedspread covering that I have used as a rug underneath the dining room table.

Closer look

Saturday, January 28, 2012

"Dresser Restored"

     Here's a closer look at the dresser. It's really beautiful and on tomorrow the transformation begins. My husband will paint it white and I will do a light sanding on all the curves and corners. So, here's the final results and I believe it turned out beautifully.

     In fact, instead of going treasure hunting I stayed home and rearranged the house some, as well as, place the dresser in the dining room. This might not be the final resting place, but for now it servers the purpose beautifully.

     I've also included an after picture of a previous fabulous find (little boy holding a puppy) so that you can see where I have place it in my home.
Closer look

Hubby preparing to paint
(This is the bedroom we're repainting too)

Setting up dining room 

Restored dresser

Another angle

One last look

     The big white mirror was previously on a wall in the dining room and I moved in here and placed the painting above it. 
     I like it but not not sure if I will keep the frame around it. I also took the big painting that was on this wall and placed it where the mirror hung.

A new look for the living room
(Next, window treatments)

Hope you enjoy the pictures and find some inspiration to update your home just by rearranging what you already have! 

     Let me know what you think. Happy collecting and restoring!

Monday, January 23, 2012

"Vintage Light Fixture"

     Before heading home, I decide to explore one more shop and just look at what I found! It's a beautifully metal vintage lamp with a perfectly worn patina. Immediately when I saw it I reminisced about some of the older lamp fixtures I often see in the old missions.

     My husband said, nah... but I had already fallen in love with this piece. The large round base will screw into the ceiling and the scaffold edges gracefully lay open with perhaps a soft white lightbulb.

     I have the perfect place for it, so in the meantime I'll get my husband to check the wiring and show it to you really soon. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

     Until next time happy hunting....The BlueFarmhouse

Love the old patina

Closer look

Found the rose covered booklet 
(holds 2 pictures)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

"Lucky Finds"

     Saturday was a super busy day with appointments, etc. so that meant my husband and I couldn't go thrift store shopping. I wasn't to bummed about it because we have been painting bedrooms, furniture and buying new mattresses for two bedrooms in the house.

     But, to my surprise and delight I had to make a quick stop in my local "Goodwill" store and guess what I spotted? It was this painting of a little boy holding a puppy and a plate by Crooksville, USA called "Dinner Rose". What attracted me to the painting was the beautiful muted colors and of course, the picture itself. And the plate would hang beautiful along over a doorway, wall or paired with some of my other plates.

     My plans for the painting is to paint the frame white and hang with a wide ribbon and not sure what I'll do with the plate.

     So, I hope that you'll enjoy the before and after pictures. Until next time, happy hunting!

Painting $3.99 and plate $.49 
I couldn't believe the prices myself!


After picture
The blue painters tape took some of the color off the canvas:(

     It's not perfect and that's why I love it. So, if I hang in the house I might remove from frame and use a beautiful wide ribbon to suspend from wall. 

     I love it still!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

"The Cat Lady"

Found this quilted cat at a thrift store
(So cute)

     This really isn't about cats at all...but when thinking of my obsession or should I say collection of dishes this phrase comes mind. Yes, I'm definitely the lady with lots (I mean a lot) of dishes.

     But wait, not just any dishes! I love my collection of blue and white staffordshire, my brown and white transfer ware and so many others. The truth is that I have so many collection of dishes we could eat for days and days and days without washing any and still not run out. Yikes, I must truly be the dish lady.

     There's nothing more satisfying than eating from a beautiful old plate, bowl or platter. Honestly, I could purchase new plates but, there's something (sometimes a chip, but definitely character, age and beauty) that old dishes possess and I can't resist collecting.

     Most of these dishes I've collected for many, many, many years and have the journal notes to prove it.

     So I hope you'll enjoy the pictures, as much as I liked photographing them and daily using them.

Part of my collection

Found these in San Diego
(Total pieces are a dozen)

More blue and white

I love these little birds

My daughter's homecoming queen crown

My favorite creamer

Found both of these beautiful light blue platters for $13.00 each

Wedding topper with more collectibles

These are so beautiful
(Spodes' Jewel-Copeland England)

Set of bowls
("Wicker Land" Copeland- Spode England)

Brown and White Collection

Woodland "Ridgway" Made in England
(Est. 1792)

Mix and match 
(Mason's-Patent Ironstone England)

Theodore Haviland (France)
I don't have a lot but I love the feminine feel of these plates

Ready to serve!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


     My husband found this rocking chair and thought that it might be nice to place in our daughter's bedroom. Well, should I share with you the good news first or bad? The good news is the chair turned out beautifully and the bad news is that my daughter wants nothing to do with the chair.

     So, instead I will be putting the chair in my vendor space at "Sweet Repeats". It's a beautiful rocking chair that has been repurposed perfectly to match any decor in "someone else's" home.


Rocking chair before

Hubby's ready! 

Closer look

A beautiful chair
(blue and white pillow and some of my favorite old watering cans)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

"Own Your Space"

     Just because you "rent" the place you call home doesn't mean that you can't "own" it.  While owning may not be an option, it definitely isn't an excuse not to personalize and style your abode.

     How many of us have said, "If this was my place I'd do this or that?"I know that I have, but I "own"my personal space no matter my options.

     I love looking at beautiful homes, rooms and outdoor spaces . But, I go further than imagining myself in someone else's space, I'm creating the home I want to be in and my family to come home to. It's comfortable, styled and definitely "Blue Farmhouse".

     My challenge to you is this, let's stop imagining and let's begin decorating, planning, creating and owning the places we call home.

     Maybe one day we'll have that dream home and maybe we won't but, "own" the space you currently call home.

     Inspiration is everywhere! Enjoy.

Beautiful Curb Appeal

Simple entryway

Comfortable Space
(I love this designer Sarah Richardson)

Blue and white
(Match made in the heavens)

Peaceful rest

What's not to love

Gotta have dishes!

Let's go out back

Alfresco living

Sunday, January 1, 2012

"Happy 1st Birthday"

     I'm so proud to be part of the blogging community for a year now. I've come far since January 2010, and yet I still have soooo much more to learn. My very first post was "I'm Coming Out" because I discovered an avenue to share my passions for antiques, gardening and decorating (thanks to my daughter Ryan at The Blooming Thread).

     Ryan has helped me in more ways than one and continues to help navigate me through the world of blogging. I am indebted to her for all the times I've called for "HELP" and she has always found the time to assist me. Thank you, Ryan!

     So, as I learn, I definitely have drawn inspiration from some beautiful blogs that I now follow. I admire their photography skills and the way in which they have decorated their personal spaces and shops.

     So on the anniversary of my 1st birthday, I want to introduce you to a shop that is an absolutely must see if you are ever in the area! The name of this most inspiring shop is called "Lewis & Clark" Antiques and Fine Things located on State Street, Santa Barbara, Ca. The flooring is brick so when you're walking there's the feeling of walking on a cobblestone street in a historic village. In fact, visit this shop and blog online at and let me know what you think.
      I'd love to hear your comments and feel free to share some tips that have helped you.

     Until then....happy blogging!

Hope you enjoy the tour!

Beautiful linens


Variety of books throughout the shop

Love the light fixture
(Make sure you look up it's beautiful)

Saints and Angels throughout the shop

I love this french stove
(Could it be because of the blue and white?)

My beautiful lady

I purchased two from Lewis & Clark

The Blue Farmhouse. All rights reserved. 2025 BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.