Wednesday, December 31, 2014

"Happy New Year"

Pinterest image

An Inspirational Poem by Helen Steiner Rice from her Book of Verses
 "Climb 'Til Your Dreams Come True"

Often your tasks will be many, And more than you think you can do...
Often the road will be rugged And the hills insurmountable to...
But always remember, the hills ahead Are never as steep as they seem...
And with Faith in your heart start upward....And climb 'til you reach your dream...
For nothing in life that is worthy Is ever too hard to achieve...
If you have the courage to try it And you have the Faith to believe...
For Faith is a force that is greater Than knowledge or power or skill...
And many defeats turn to triumph If you trust in God's wisdom and will...
For Faith is a mover of mountains-There's nothing that God cannot do...
So start out today with Faith in your heart...
And Climb 'Til Your Dream Comes True!

It's been an inspiring and blessed year....Happy New Year!!!

The Blue Farmhouse

Friday, December 26, 2014

"A Gift That Keeps Giving"

 A beautiful gift

My favorite color...Bleu

     A lump in my throat as I gaze at the color I love so much...bleu. Thank you Ryan for blessing me with this book...a gift that will keep on giving, and giving, and giving  all year through.

The Blue Farmhouse

Sunday, December 7, 2014

"Simple Is Better"

My Find

Dreamy Whites image

     I'm far from being a minimalist, however I probably adhere more to simplier decorations when it comes to the holidays. I have a real tree (this year) but as you can see not real wreaths and these  vintage skates that I found a couple of years ago. 

     Maria Carr from Dreamy Whites has featured a beautiful pair of vintage Dutch skates in her latest post. So I couldn't help but think of mine and now I off to find the vintage poles and skis. So for me and my Christmas decorations...simple is better. 

The Blue Farmhouse 

Saturday, November 29, 2014

"My Other Love...."

 Today's find

Ironstone platters

Powell & Bishop Ironstone England

 T & R Boote England (No. 33645) Plates 

     Brown and White Ironstone platters and transferware plates makes for a beautiful table....anytime of the day and for all occasions. My today find cost me just one dollar! 

     Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and "my other loves".

The Blue Farmhouse

Monday, November 24, 2014

"White Lights"

Pinterest image

Pinterest image

Daytime whites

Evening time whites

     White lights...always timeless and elegant. I love white lights and placed a string around a favorite find (old cabinet door with stenciled 'home sweet home')...just in time to welcome loved ones and friends this Thanksgiving season. 

     Happy Thanksgiving from my home to yours....

     The Blue Farmhouse

Saturday, November 22, 2014

"Inspiration, Dreaming & Decorating"

Pinterest Image

Pinterest Image

Original those legs

Repurposing in progress

Underneath sides unfinished

Blue plates

A favorite room

Lots of rearranging for Thanksgiving

     I'm sharing several pictures along with a couple of Pinterest images that have inspired me as I continue to repurpose the table I found several weeks ago. As for right now it's my new/old dining table, but one day it'll look awesome centered in the middle of a big kitchen space for prepping food, displaying books and blue dishes. 

     I think my final step will be to lightly sand the top or should I just leave it in it's original condition? My husband gave me to idea to paint the sides underneath the table but I wasn't convinced until I discovered the picture on Pinterest. 

     Maybe he's right but I'm still not totally convinced...what do you think? So until next time back to tidying up and rearranging the house...Thanksgiving (4 days away) is just right around the corner! 

The Blue Farmhouse

Sunday, November 16, 2014

"Thank You"

Vintage frame

     To each one who reads, follows, and leave sweet comments on my blog....I just have to say thank you and I hope that you won't stop. I love the sharing, writing, decorating, as well as the anticipation of what I might find while I'm out thrifting. For me it's a happy passion and I'm glad that it resonates with you too.

     So, until the next big or small find....can I just say thank you one more time.

     The Blue Farmhouse

Saturday, November 15, 2014

"Sweet Finds"

Blue and White 

My Book of Dreams

Sets of  platters

     There's always room in my heart and budget for more beautiful dishes. Thank you for dropping by to see some of my latest finds and until next time happy collecting, thrifting for more sweet finds.

     The Blue Farmhouse 

Monday, November 10, 2014

"I'm Cuckoo For"???

     Anyone remember this 1980's commercial for Cocoa Puffs cereal? Well, I'm so glad that you scrolled down a little farther to read that it's not Cocoa Puffs cereal that I'm "cuckoo for" but these fabulous find. I'm always on the lookout for these ornate frames and later converting them to chalkboards for special events, home and selling.

     The tall floral painting frame is the most recent find among my collection of these heavy, old, ornate gold frames. Thank you for reading and sharing my love for all things beautiful, old, new and always something blue...

I love the details in these frames

Glassware (these aren't old but fabulously priced) just in time for Thanksgiving

Blue & Whites plates, Homer Laughlin oval dish and small round ironstone bowl w/cute handles

Linens and more vintage platters

...The Blue Farmhouse

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


  1. 1
    a structure or place made or chosen by a bird for laying eggs and sheltering its young.
    "the birds built a nest"

A wood pigeons nest

A clay colored sparrows nest

My found nest

     While sweeping off the driveway from debris leftover from a steady Halloween rain (something we really did need) I spotted what I thought to be pieces of shrubbery severed by the storm. Upon close examination I discovered that these pieces of dried looking shrubbery were two bird nests. Surprisingly it wasn't this perfect round circle that's typically associated with a birds nest instead it had a very odd shape. 

     Also I noticed the nests that I happened upon was intricately knit together with many different size sticks and twigs, mud and bird droppings! They were perfectly imperfect...much like my nest...the place were I have chosen to shelter my family. And all who enter know it fits my style perfectly... beautiful and comfortable living spaces with the mixing of something old, something new and always something blue...a reflection of how I live.

The Blue Farmhouse

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"Sweet Sweet Sweet Inspiration"

Pure inspirational

     While browsing through Barnes & Nobles bookstore I had in mind to gift our oldest daughter with a special something instead of a typical birthday card and I found this book. Needless to say it was a perfect gift. In fact so beautiful I gave myself permission to purchase one just for me. 

     The name "bella Grace" not only is descriptive of whom the gift was intended but it's compiled of sweet sayings, thought provoking questions and inquiries that make you appreciative of the beauty all around me. This spoke volumes to ....

Love Letter to Your Home ~page 137~

It's so easy to get carried away daydreaming about 
a shiny new house, or adding space to your existing place.
Home is a sacred place for many, and it's important to embrace 
where you live, whether you live in a tiny studio apartment, or
a sprawling multi-level house on an expanse of land. Right now,
look past the leaky faucets, or the chipped paint. Write a love letter
to your house, sharing all the good that is to be found in it.

     Mine would read

Dear Home,

...At least I have one

The Blue Farmhouse

Monday, October 27, 2014

"Back In The Saddle"

I'm back in the saddle again
I'm back
I'm back in the saddle again
I'm back

Ridin' high
Ridin' high

Old saddle

and some extras

     Old song...old saddle and I think a fabulous find. I purchased the faux fur throw from Marshalls with the idea of 'softening' the look of the old leather. This is my version of Green Acres (I loved watching that old television show) meets Blue Farmhouse style.

     Now just to give it a good cleaning and find myself a barn (wishful thinking)...but you never know...Right?
      So until next time happy, collecting, thrifting and ridin' high!

The Blue Farmhouse

Saturday, October 25, 2014

"Making Progress"

 Moving out one and putting in another

 I love the legs on this table

A work in progress

     I'm excited to have almost completed this beautiful table I found at the thrift store. All I have left to do is lightly sand the top and hubby can start to paint. It probably takes me a little longer between work and life but I will have something to show for the inconvenience of no dining room soon.

     One day I'd love to have a open kitchen area and use this table as a work table for my scale, books and pretty dishes. Oh well Rita...just keep dreaming and perhaps one day it'll all come true. In the meantime happy collecting, thrifting and painting.

     The Blue Farmhouse
The Blue Farmhouse. All rights reserved. 2025 BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.