Sunday, July 28, 2013

"Frames....Frames & More Frames...."

     I am in "frame heaven" with these two finds I scoured at a thrift store in Fresno, Ca. My husband and I just returned from home a weekend trip and I just couldn't wait to show you what I found!

     It was very hot in Fresno...and the hotel was nice... as long as you stayed inside... but I'm glad my husband spotted the thrift store from our room [the 8th floor]...and off we go.

     I believe it was worth the effort because this is what I found...

 Arriving home

Bad photo [eyes closed]

Love the ornamentation

     I'm looking forward to painting them and converting into lovely chalkboards. I hope you'll return for the reveal. Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and finding something fabulous! 

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Monday, July 22, 2013

"My Vision"

     My hubby found this table and my plans are to paint it white and slipcover the chairs in this box pleated style [my favorite] either in a white or blue ticking fabric. I can't remember exactly the magazine but I think it was British Home and Gardens were I first saw this picture...while browsing through magazines at Barnes & Nobles in San Luis Obispo.

     So what are your opinions? I think it's going to look terrific. But I have one slight problem...I don't sew...but I know who does!? You guess hubby. This project will definitely take a little more time but it's going to be nice when completed.

     Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and dreaming.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

magazine article

My $20 table and free chairs

Closer view

Saturday, July 20, 2013

"Simple Inspirations....Around The House"


     Does your home feel like a warm cozy blanket? How about the furnishings? What does it say about you? It's no big secret [anymore] that it doesn't have to cost a fortunate [that's unless you have one and it really doesn't matter] to furnish your home beautifully just like all the popular magazines and shows we love to view. The only secret is blending the old with the new and you'll have exactly what you want without breaking the bank.

     When I'm shopping regardless if it's a thrift store, consignment store, new store, Goodwill or whatever... I have a plan... a color palette...,a design style... and a budget [well sometimes]! But that's okay because there's a lot of fabulous finds just waiting to be picked up no matter the budget...just have fun and be patient. I'm still collecting and finding fabulous things. Some of them I will keep and some of them I will sell.

     Nevertheless I love the thrill of the hunt... of the totally unexpected, unbelievably find that falls right into your lap just because I'm in the right place at the right time. It all takes time, patience and a little luck! .

    Here's some of my lucky... being in the right place at the right time finds... Enjoy

Vintage Sconces [Consignment Store]

Mannequins, ruffles and baskets

Angel wings

Vintage lamps


Vintage Blue Toolbox

White bikes w/baskets

 Small Mirrors

Big Mirrors

Vintage Hutch



  And the list of finds keeps going on and feel free to browse when you find the time. Just remember inspiration is all around you...happy collecting, thrifting and decorating! 

     The Blue Farmhouse.

"They Keep Growing...And Growing...And Growing"

     I wanted to take a moment and share with you how my hanging baskets and barrels of geraniums are doing....

 We started here

Here we are today


A couple of weeks later

Garage view

Front view

     I hope you are having a relaxing weekend and thanks for taking the time to stop by. Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and growing.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Friday, July 19, 2013


     This is a true story. I leave work for a job related errand and en route I pass a thrift store...[screeching on tires]...hold on a minute I spot something interesting...

Unbelievable find

Closer look at the details

Re purpose to a round chalkboard

Wooden compartment box for the garden

   I quickly turn into the parking lot and jump out of the van trying not to appear overly anxious [my heart is pounding out of my chest]. "Excuse me sir how much are you asking for this item... he slowly walks outside saying "Oh this is pretty antique." I try to divert the conversation and say "Oh I don't care if it's old I just like the way it looks." The conversation continues as I look around at some other things and he says "How about -----? I couldn't believe my ears as I calmly reply "I think I'll take it." I paid $43.00 for both items and immediately call my husband "Tom you won't believe what I just found!"

     Now I'm thinking about how I would like to breathe new life into this beauty. Maybe a chalkboard? new mirrors? message board? Should I paint it or leave the original color? I'm really not sure but I'd certainly be interested in your thoughts and opinions.

     Today's find reminded me of the french style mirror I found in Santa Barbara and whatever the choice is I promise to make it beautiful as well as show you the results.

     So until next time happy collecting, thrifting and here's to finding something unbelievable this weekend. 

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

"Totally Unexpected"

     I simply could not resist these beautiful ironstone plates. Look at them.....I'm in love with these beauties and I have lot's of other dishes to mix and match these with.

     And that's what I love about thrifting and's the totally unexpected find! Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and living.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Nine plates 

"Double Phoenix" Pattern 

 Mix n Match

N.K.T. Ironstone


"Like A Box Of......?"

     In the 1994 film "Forrest Gump" starring Tom Hanks one of the most famous quoted line is "Life was like a box of never know what you're gonna get." Well that's exactly what I thought of today after this fabulous not a box of chocolates but rather a "box full of buffalo dishes".

     These simple yet totally utilitarian dishes from days gone by can still be found while scouring through thrift stores. I love seeing them pictured in food magazines and images on Pinterest. Honestly, I find it difficult to walk away... oh and I forgot to mention...I usually don't.

"Life was like a box of chocolates...."

"Life is like a box of buffalo dishes by Homer Laughlin"

Pinterest image

 So if your plans are to go thrifting or collecting here's to finding a box full of ....? Until next time collecting, thrifting and living.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Friday, July 5, 2013

"A Fish Story"

     "Wait a minute Rita"..."You have gotta see this!" my neighbor Lauren shouts as I pass by on my bike heading home. [Screeching]... as I come to a quick stop and now I'm thinking's a ornate gold trimmed mirror, and antique or something she found that she thinks I'll love.

     Oh my goodness I say...I have never seen a fish that big before...well at least not close up. So I go to my house [2 doors down] to grab my camera and ask for a picture. Here it is...and this is no fish tale, but the real deal. Except for in all my excitement I forgot to get some details...except it's a bass.

     I hope your weekend will bring some big "tales" to share with everyone...just make sure you have your camera handy!

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Steve the fisherman

Thursday, July 4, 2013

"I'm Proud To Be....A Grandma"

Today and everyday I'm thankful for the freedom I have as an American citizen, freedom as a believer in Christ Jesus and freedom to share with you my joy...

                                                                 My Grandchildren...

Painted Toe, Lil Brown Feet and Snowfalke

 All cleaned up

Where's the parade?

That's all folks'


"Early Celebrations....Happy 4th of July"

 The sprinklers are on...'YeAh'

 Good morning neighbor...

 C'm on Papa...

 Hey I see you...


I'm soaked...and having fun!!!

     And this is the best part of everyday...enjoying being a family. Life just doesn't get any better than this...oh wait the day is just beginning...and there's more fun to come. 

     See ya' later. 

     The Blue Farmhouse.
The Blue Farmhouse. All rights reserved. 2025 BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.