Wednesday, August 24, 2011


     There's a saying "everything old is new again"and that's exactly what we see in the world of home decor and style. So, I'm delighted to introduce you to a new must stop shop called "Sweet Repeats" and its' owner Teddy.

     I first discovered Sweet Repeats while I was driving home from work and the front window just made my car stop dead in its tracks! I just had to go inside and it didn't disappoint.

   The stores huge success is its' affordability (there's a price point for everyone) and of course, its experienced shop owner.

    Please allow me to treat you to some pictures featuring Sweet Repeats and a short interview with Teddy.

     Sit back and enjoy!

Love the robin egg color 

Beautiful white mantle with sparkling mercury accessories

Love the cherub lamp

Beautiful window styling by Laurinda

Styled for success

Old window panes throughout the store


Dreamy whites

Love the desk and wire basket

Huge inventory

Rita and shop owner Teddy

     Q. How did you come up with the shops name?
     A. I approached a fellow garage seller and friend who resides up North to help me choose a name for the store. She chose "Sweet Repeats" and I believe the name reflects the philosophy of the store.

     Q. What is the stores' philosophy?
     A. The 3R's. Recycle, Repurpose and Reuse.

     Q.What do believe "Sweet Repeats" offers to the local community?
     A. Style and affordability. There's something for everyone.

     Q. What inspired you to open your store?
     A. All the great pieces that I have found from my adventures and the stories behind some of the things that I have come across. Also, I love the transformation that a neglected piece can find through paint and upholstery.

     My conversation with Teddy was inspiring and it's obvious that his passion, talent, and vision has landed him to where he is today. The inventory of the store changes daily and if you miss one day, it'll probably be the one day that you were not in the right location, location, location.

     You can visit this inspiring shop at 110 West Ocean Avenue, Lompoc, California 93436 or call Teddy at (805) 588-5032.

     Get weekly up-to-date photos and information on this blog.

Good Luck Teddy!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Edit, Edit, Edit

     "The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary can speak". I found this quote by Hans Hofmann in the pages of Rachel Ashwell's book Shabby Interiors: My Rooms, Treasures and Trinkets.  
     Although, I'm not a fan of the minimalist style, I too find it  necessary to keep rooms and collections cluttered free. But it's hard I know. There are some (well, actually many) things that I would never part with and I'll name just a few:

Collection of white mirrors

Antique suitcases

Blue and White oval platter

Antique white cupboard

     Amazingly I have kept a journal of these collections and can tell you exactly how I acquired each one. The mirrors I have written about in my previous blogs and the suitcases I found at one of my favorite thrift stores in San Diego. The two sage green colored ones with beige trimmed I found in a thrift store for only $3 each.

      I love that blue and white platter. It's heavy and I use it for big dinners. I found it at the same thrift store in San Diego.

      Finally, the white cupboard sat on the front porch of a lady's house that I became friends with in San Diego. She had a beautiful home with lots of the same things that I liked. Everyday I would pass by her house on my way home from work and wondered if she'd sale it. Well, I decided to ask her and she said yes because her husband didn't want it in the house. But, she made me promise to never sell it because it's old and has it's original peeling paint. I just knew I was in heaven that day and it's been in my home since.

      I hope you stay around and visit me because the best is yet to come. Until next time happy collecting! Oh yeah, and blogging.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dream Job

     Remember the lyrics from the song Imagine by John Lennon, "some people say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one." Well that's me. I have a great job but my dream job is to be a shop owner and to find beautiful and unique pieces for it, as well as for my clients homes.

     When I was in the Puget Sound area vacationing I saw so many things I would have loved to have purchased, but I couldn't get anything else in the car (ask my brother-in-law Jeff) and I was on a budget.

     There's so many beautiful and unique pieces in shops, antique stores, thrift stores, consignment stores, garage sales, estate sales and the list could go on and on. The sky is really the limit. There are people that can just buy a room of stuff but my decorating philosophy lends itself to these two things:
  1. Purchase solid (quality) pieces.
  2. Add as you go. (Location, Location, Location)
     A room and certainly a home comes together over time and the joy is in the hunt. That's why I'm never done decorating.

     In the meantime, I'm  happy to share with you all my finds and someday I just might be a shop owner!

     Happy collecting and blogging.

I love this!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Mirror, Mirror...

     Well, the mirror is redone and honestly it's more beautiful in person. I'm very happy with the results. Right now I have it placed against the wall in the dining room.

     My future plans are to pair it with a beautifully tufted headboard. I looked on line at Pottery Barn and they have a beautiful one called "Lorraine Tufted Velvet Headboard" in sage. The headboards high back and curvy shaped sides would be perfectly paired with this beautiful ornate mirror.

     For bedding I will purchase different shades of white with some tan colored pillow shams. And then add pops of color in my pillows and hope to find a beautiful old quilt.

     For now, I'm in the beginning stages of redecorating a bedroom and this mirror definitely has inspired me.  Enjoy!

Before Picture

After Picture

Here are a couple of pictures of beautiful bedrooms that gives me inspiration.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Happy (Early) Birthday To Me !!!

     I'm thrifting in Santa Barbara right now as I write on my blog, because my dear husband just made me the happiest girl in the world! Look at this incredible find. Can you believe it. All my fellow decorating bloggers know actually what I'm talking about. I can't wait to get home and begin the process of transforming this mirror from gold to white.

     My daughter Ryan once stated in The Blooming Thread "My mom paints everything white", which is so not true because I love color. However, white is a nice neutral background palette to add pops of color to any room decor or you can simply decorate your home with what you love. There are no rules.

     My plans are to prop the mirror vertically against the wall by an armoire in my bedroom or hang it up and on each side place some candelabras I found at Santa Barbara Consignment Company.

     I found a oval tapestry pillow in a light shade of green with tassels all around. It had a vintage romance look to it so I bought it to add to a room I plan to redo. And I found a small old gold clock with a cherub on the face of it that I just love.

     Look for the after pictures in the upcoming blogs.


Candlelabras reflection are in the mirror

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Match Made In Heaven

     Blue meets white and they live happily ever after. Eternal bliss! (Sigh) I'm a hopeless romantic and I love happy endings. And, I absolutely love blue and white design.

     On Saturday morning my husband and I went to Santa Barbara and there are a couple of places that I must frequent. In a previous post I listed one of my favorite shops, "Rooms and Garden Shop" and my next must stop is "Pottery Barn" located on State & Hope. I absolutely love Pottery Barn and there is so much of their merchandise that fits the way I decorate and live.

     I found these beautiful blue and beige colored pillows that just stole my heart and I bought three of them. They say, french country, farmhouse style, country style and so much more.

I actually bought 7!

     I have many beautiful things that I plan to share in my blog and I think that you will enjoy them as much as I love living with them.

     So, sit back and enjoy a sneak peak of another favorite place to shop, alone with some blue and white images I categorize as my "favorite things" list.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Location, Location, Location

     Vocabulary words often heard in real estate and finding that dream home. But I say location, location, location has everything to do with snagging another "treasured" find of a lifetime! Of course, I say this about many of the wonderful things that I have found through the many years of thrift stores, antiquing, estate sales, and consignment shops.

      While vacationing in the Puget Sound my husband and I went downtown to browse some of the local antique shops. I knew what I was hoping to find but not sure if my hunt would be successful. Guess what? I was in the right location because there it was in a stall right beside me. It was an large ornately trimmed gold mirror and the price was right. Trying not to show too much excitement I said "Sold".

     We loaded it with some of the other beautiful things (that I will share in upcoming blogs) in the car heading back to California. I couldn't wait to transform the gold mirror with white paint and lightly sand to allow some old patina to show through. It turned out beautifully.

     I would always look in magazines and only dream of snagging one of these ornate mirrors and now I have three. You can check out some examples of beautiful ornate mirrors in the Summer 2011 issue of "Freshstyle" magazine. The article is "Vintage Romance".  I'm in love and so happy I was in the right location, location, location.

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