Tuesday, July 28, 2015

"A Quick Glimpse"

A beautiful process taking place

No turning back

All cleaned and taped off

A work in progress...stay tuned

     Well as you can see I have been busy over the last 48 hours. The weather has been hot so I'm painting in my living room. Thankfully it's a big open space without the possibilities of someone bumping into it. All of the above images I posted on my Instagram and you can check out some other beautiful finds too. 

     Hopefully, I'll be done painting and aging this mirror by next week and I do hope you'll return for the big reveal.

The Blue Farmhouse

Monday, July 27, 2015

"Not Just Another Day"

Today's finds

A beautiful floor length mirror

Ornate details

Thank you for dropping by

     I don't believe that this saying..."just another day at the office" will ever be synonymous when it comes to treasure hunting at thrift stores. I always leave with high hopes and a fist full of dreams...but you just never know what awaits you. So, I'm very happy to share with you my beautiful, tall and ornate mirror. Isn't it beautiful? The last time I found a mirror of this size was a couple of years ago at a thrift store.

      Then I stumbled across this basket and although the straps need some work (or not) that was the immediate appeal. Lastly I found a really nice lampshade that I'm sure to use or change out to freshen up things around the house.

      I appreciate you dropping by and I hope that your day was "not just another one" at the office for you. Until next time happy collecting, decorating and thrifting....

     The Blue Farmhouse

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

"I'm Amazed"

New mirror

Ornamental top

My little helper

Angel plague

Her coloring picture (her show n tell)

     There's definitely many others words I could've use to try and describe how I felt when I saw this mirror. Unbelief might be the best description because it's rare to this in a thrift store. But I did and as I walk towards it I could see the ornamental top above all the others. It was then that I knew I had found a treasure and it was if it was just propped against the wall waiting for me.

      Also I love this angel plaque too. My little helper says.."there naked and they have wings grandma". But I already have the perfect place for it in our home but now where do I put this mirror? I have considered repurposing it into a chalkboard... imagining it welcoming customers into a little business or sign for a wedding day. Either way I have time to think about it and for now I'll just give it a good cleaning and prop against a wall.

     Thank you again for dropping by and I hope you find something inspirational each time.....

     The Blue Farmhouse

Saturday, July 18, 2015

"Endless Possibilities"

Vintage Chair

Love the ornamentation on this find

Matching Vintage Sofa

Pinterest image

Pinterest image

Pinterest image

     I previously spoke about a beautiful vintage chair and sofa that I just couldn't walk away from because I could envision the endless possibilities. I've seen many Pinterest images that confirmed my suspicions all fresh upholstery and you've got yourself quite a find girl! So what's the problem?  My problem is that I don't know where to begin and it's been in the garage of my old house since October 2014 and now the new house still untouched...but just as beautiful!

     So now I'm going to begin to watching some of Miss Mustard Seed tutorials and hopefully mustard (sorry about the play on words) up the courage to give it a try. Or better yet talk my husband into it since he's the seamstress in the family. Besides this I must answer this question... what in the world will I do with it when it's all done. I'll figure it out later but for right now I'm going to start with task number 1 and that's to watch the tutorials and give it a good cleaning.

     Wish me luck! Until next time...happy collecting and thrifting.

     The Blue Farmhouse

Monday, July 6, 2015

"Is This A Dream or What?"

My recent find

Found while vacationing

Another french provincial style mirror

Thrift store find

     Honestly what's not to love about these vintage ornate mirrors. I have been very fortunate to have found several over the years. But to be perfectly honest I think I have more mirrors than wall space now. The mirrors that are white were previously gold but I repainted them and really like the look of them. They're very heavy so I have to make sure of the location on the wall is secure with a stud or it might come crashing down.

      Surprisingly the gold mirror with all its' ornamentation is light in comparison to the others. On the day that I saw it I couldn't believe my eyes. It was if it was just propped against the wall waiting for me to pick it up. I love these mirrors and will probably always collect them. 

     Thank you for dropping by and if you'd like to see more of what's happening with The Blue Farmhouse follow me on Instagram and Facebook. 

     Until next time happing thrifting and collecting...

The Blue Farmhouse
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