Sunday, January 20, 2013

"Fabulous Frames Reveal"

     Okay friends...are you ready? I'm nervous and I hope that you like them because I think they came out pretty fantastic. These old frames are not only perfect to re purpose into chalkboards and inspiration pin up boards but they are multifunctional too.

     I use them for messages to myself or family members, restaurants and coffee houses use them to display menus and drinks, shop clerks use them to say open or closed, wedding coordinators use them at rehearsals dinners, bridal showers, vineyards use them displaying wine list and so on and so on.

     Personally my collection is growing (maybe 10) yikes... and while I would love to keep them all I can' soon I will start to sell a few of them. I'm currently working on some ideas of how I can make them available to you if you are interested.

     So drop me a line and let me know if you'd be interested or just tell me how you are currently using the old frames you've collected.

     The Blue Farmhouse.



Close up of details

One of my favorites

white inspiration boards

Close up details

Saturday, January 19, 2013

"Let There Be Light"

     I'm excited to show you some pictures that I "quickly" took of two of the lamps I re purposed and the others will be forthcoming...I'm just looking for the perfect lampshades to complete the makeover. My favorite place to look is Pottery Barn....but I haven't had the opportunity to make a trip. Hopefully by next weekend I can find some nice ones along with some lamp finials.

     And finally I want to show you one of my most favorite inspiration boards and I'm happy to say that all the other ones are complete along with the chalkboards. And boy are you going to be pleasantly surprised.

     My favorite part of transforming these frames and old lamps are the more ornate and detailed the design the more beautiful the outcome...not to mention that they are very heavy too!

     So I hope your return to see the chalkboards and more inspiration boards... I think you're going to like them!

     Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and re purposing your finds.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Inspiration board

Love the edged details

White lamp and thrift store shade

I love the flower pattern

Another close up look

Love the chocolate shade contrast with the white lamp

Lamp base

One more look

Sunday, January 6, 2013

"Fabulous Frames...A Lovely Day"

     Just a quick post to show you the beautiful gold frames that I found yesterday while spending "A Lovely Day" with my two stylish friends.

     These always sell very quickly and I love transforming them into chalkboards and inspiration boards. Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and repurposing.

     The 2 large frames I found yesterday

Saturday, January 5, 2013

"Friends, Food & Shopping"

     As I contemplate the fun I had with some beautiful and very 'stylish ladies' the lyrics to this song came to mine...
Lovely Day by Bill Withers

A lovely day...
Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day.

     And that's the kind of day I had...a lovely day of shopping at one of my all time favorite store Avec Moi Decor in beautiful Los Olivos, CA., and lunch at another favorite spot, Paninos. Also, all along the way we stopped for garage sale signs and of course, thrift stores and found some gold frames I plan to repurpose and put in my space at "Sweet Repeats".

     So now that you have heard about my day...may I ask how was yours? I sure hope that it was a ~lovely day~ and if not tomorrow will be! Thank you for dropping in for a visit and please do come again.

     Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and Happy New Year!

     The Blue Farmhouse.

  Stylish Sisters

Ready for lunch

Artichoke Bisque Soup and Sandwich at Paninos

Look what I found!

A beautiful place to shop

Ave Moi Decor~Proprietress Michele Power

It truly was a lovely day...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"The 2 A's"

     I read the most beautiful post "Christmas In Paris" from Lissa at Keep It Simple Keep It and afterwards I left a comment. But my mind kept pondering what is the appeal of  how others live out their lives that we seek out a transformation of our own. And then suddenly it came to me as I began tidying up from our leftover New Year's Day celebration with family and friends. Aha!!! the answer came to me... it's your attitude and approach Rita or what I simply will refer to as the 2 A's...that's the difference!

     I'm sure many of you are probably like me with a 40+ hour a week job, college, church, community, chores, grandma duty (that's not work but sheer delight) and the list just goes on and on (please can I get some "blogging and thrifting" time).

     So this year I resolve (with time) to follow my own advice and no longer conform my life to hurry...hurry...hurry but rather transform my thinking...therefore change my Lifestyle. How about you? What are you going to do or maybe you already live this way?!

     Happy New Year.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Ice bucket (fabulous find for $4 and ice scoop Pottery Barn)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"Did I Ever Mention...?"

     Did I ever mention that one of the of things that I love to do other than collect beautiful things is...cook. More than that I love watching cooking shows and my all time favorite is Barefoot Contessa. I love her story and her husband Jefferey has to be the luckiest man in the world along with her circle of friends who get to eat at her table. And if you have never been to North Carolina (my birthplace) well the Chapel Hill area is beautiful, lush and green.

     And I like Giada at Home...I mean who doesn't love that smile and envy that figure! Honestly folks who eats like that and stays that shapely, well it's not me. Oh oh oh I can think of another infectious smile (just like Giada's) I recently discovered.

     Her name is Lissa and she has a beautiful blog Is her smile infectious or not?! I don't know her personally but she looks like lady it who would be a pleasure to know and eat some of her dishes too!

Ina Garten
Photo: Quentin Bacon

Giada on my TV

Ready... set...Smile

Painted Toe

     And of course, here's a smile we absolutely can not live without and that's the smile of "Painted Toe". Her precious smile eagerly awaits us come rain or sunshine....and this is how I started out January 1, 2013...with a smile. 

     Until next time I hope your day started with one or that you gave one away! That's a smile....

     The Blue Farmhouse.

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