Wednesday, July 23, 2014

"I'm Addicted...To Beautiful Dishes"

Old dishes are so beautiful and I have loved collecting, displaying, entertaining and daily using them as we've dined with family and friends over the years.

I love these blue and white plates

antique cupboard with dishes

Polish pottery

More pottery

Brown & White Transferware

...and these

...and these

by now you're getting the picture...

I just love beautiful about you?

The Blue Farmhouse

Monday, July 21, 2014

"A Pleasant Surprise"

Look at what I found

     While I was showing a couple of girlfriends around a favorite shop to visit when I'm in Los Olivios....look what I found! this beautiful book "Missing Goat Farm Book" by Heather.

     Although I have never met her personally I feel like I have as we 'chit-chat' between our blogs...holding this book in my hands definitely made me feel so proud and happy for my (blog) friend. Congratulations!

The Blue Farmhouse

Saturday, July 19, 2014

"Just A Little Something"

A quick errand...then a detour and look what I found. Lucky me! And I can hardly wait to transform these pieces into something very beautiful and special.

Ornate gold frame and shelf

The Blue Farmhouse

Monday, July 7, 2014

"Summer Fun"

Our new...but old ride

Look I can ride too!

     This is one of my latest finds...and thanks to my husband for putting new white wall tires, handle bars and doing some other small maintenance tuneups. 

     It's almost like a new bike except I really don't want it to look like one so I have decided not to repaint it...but I would like to find an old basket for the front... anyway I'm looking forward to riding together with my husband...sharing some summer fun!

The Blue Farmhouse

The Blue Farmhouse. All rights reserved. 2025 BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.