Friday, May 30, 2014

"Here He Comes...Walking Down The Street"

     Here he comes walking down the street...well not actually walking but trust me I needed help getting this piece home.

     And if you have ever priced these beds before they can be quite pricey indeed. They come in many different styles and colors too. Personally I like mine best because I only paid $15 (now that my friend is a fraction of the retail price) and a want fulfilled too.

     Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and seeing your vigilance pay off...

 Long drive home

 It's huge and heavy too
(hello Rita...can you help and put the camera down please)

I'm waiting...

Let's try this way...of course

Pinterest images

many different colors 

and styles

The Blue Farmhouse

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

"There's No Place Like Home"

No matter the style...

(humming) it ever so humble there's no place like home

A favorite room to relax

A treasured gift I won from The House of Belonging

Many collectibles...

Always old mixed with new

Thanks for dropping home. Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and living in your 'home sweet home.'

The Blue Farmhouse

Sunday, May 25, 2014

"A Home Run or Bust"?!?

     Okay..I'm just putting this "post" out there and perhaps you can help me decide...if this find is a home run or bust? While on a Sunday evening drive I found this...

Queen size tufted fabric headboard

     and thought it'd look great paired with....

crisp white bed linens


multi colored throw

throw pillows

     It's a definite stretch from my typical color palette in my home but I thought I could use it in a spare bedroom or put it up for sale. It's not blue or white but it has this tangerine color and 70's sway that was just calling my name...Rita buy me!

     So I spent the $15.00 and if it doesn't work out...the money spent goes towards a boys group home. So what do you think? Bust or home run? Actually I like it! 

     Until next time happy collecting and thrifting...

     The Blue Farmhouse

Sunday, May 4, 2014

"It's Here!!!"

     We were very excited to go and pick my latest fabulous find this afternoon! It would be nice to keep this piece but I'm putting it up for sale. So, if you have been searching for an old crescendo to grace your home or special event look no further. Please leave a comment and I will promptly answer all your questions.

     Until next time...let the searching begin...again.  Also, a big thank you to my husband for always willing and available to help me get these items home.

     The Blue Farmhouse

 Measures 66x22x41

 Side doors and drawers open

All loaded and ready for the ride home

Saturday, May 3, 2014

"Hot Off The Press"

     I'm so excited!!! And I'm breaking all the rules of great quality pictures and posting too much in one day....(not to mention sentence structuring) but this is one beautiful crescendo! And it's for sale.

     I'm sure to get better at this for example patience, Instagrams and probably some other things. I'll tell you more as I look to share more about The Blue Farmhouse becoming your own personal shopper. Wish me luck please!

     The Blue Farmhouse

 Latest find

Picking up on Sunday

My first 

Thank you Tommy

Me...Your personal shopper

"A Little Goes A Long Way...."

     This is my advice to which I adhere to when decorating with these beautiful architectural ceiling medallions. These pieces were often used to suspend chandeliers and where very commonly found in older homes. Today they are still used as accent pieces, but not just only the ceilings also the walls in your home too.

     I love the intricacy found in these ceiling medallions and if you look hard enough you can locate one while scouring flea markets, thrift stores and yard sales. I found my first one at the Pasadena Rose Bowl Flea Market (awesome trip) and another one last week painted a deep burgundy color and purchased it for $3.99. If you find one painted in a color you don't like just simply redo it...I'm repainting mine white.

     I look forward to showing you the end results so until next time happy collecting, thrifting and remember ..."a little really does go a long way". See you soon!

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Pinterest image

Pinterest image
(I found one like this)

Pinterest image

Pinterest image

My favorite chandelier

Friday, May 2, 2014

"I've Got The Blues...."


     My name is Rita and I am the curator of "The Blue Farmhouse". I started this blog to share my love of collecting, scouring thrift stores, consignment stores, and unique shops looking for beautiful things. My home definitely reflects my unpretentious style of living and decorating... relaxed, comfortable, an eclectic mixture of old and new and always a touch of blue.

     I want to thank you for dropping by to view my latest find(s) and leaving a lovely comment. Until next time...Happy collecting and thrifting.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

I love this painted white

 A vintage blue tool box

Big beautiful blue flower pots

A "very" favorite find

Vintage clock

An old mannequin

And mirrors...lots of mirrors

The Blue Farmhouse. All rights reserved. 2025 BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.