Monday, November 26, 2012

"Star Struck*!*?*!*?"

     ((Well I might have exaggerated a little...but their is no mistaken when I say that Eric is the owner of one the most beautiful stores in Santa Barbara)).

     So I wasn't quite sure if I could take pictures inside the store, so I approach a lady and say, "Excuse me, I have a blog named "The Blue Farmhouse" and is it okay if I took some pictures of the inside?" she replied, "Sure and what's the name of your blog?"... she puts some merchandise away and walks over to the computer and searches... "Oh here it is".

     In the meantime a gentleman walks behind the counter also viewing the computer screen and she introduces him, "this is Eric the owner of the store". Of course, now I'm tongue-tied as I stumble over my words sharing about when I first began blogging and featured this store in my very first post, "I'm Coming Out".

     They both compliment me on the blog and thanked me for my enthusisiam for the shop. Hey, this no hype but "Rooms and Gardens" is the real mccoy if you're looking for high quality, a beautiful selection of chairs, tables, lamps, ottomans, throws, linens, fabric choices (my favorites are Kathy Irelands') or just pure inspiration.

     Now, I really would be tongue-tied if home decorator Kathy Ireland was there in person! Enjoy and until next time...find your inspiration.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Me and Eric (store owner)

Beautiful bedroom

Custom fabric choices

Chicken coop

Resident chickens

Backyard view

The Gardens

Back inside

Of course! Blue and White Rugs

A must visit for everyone

Saturday, November 17, 2012

"Guess Who's Coming For Dinner?"

     Honestly some of the silliest thoughts flood my mind when I'm contemplating a title for a post....and this one fits perfectly.

     If you know anything about me at all it's this..."I love beautiful dishes." I have been collecting dishes for years and through the years I've had to edit...edit...edit. However, there's no editing ever of these lovely brown and white beauties. So with thanksgiving preparations moving into high gear, what dishes will you be using to set your table this year?

     This classic 1967 movie featuring the legendary Sidney Poitier, Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn reminds me that "we've come a long ways baby", and some things just never go out of style... like a good movie and my "Bow Bells" England ironstone collection.

     Until next time happy collecting and thrifting. The Blue Farmhouse.

Newest find

A favorite pattern

Previous thrift store finds

Closer look

Mix and match

Maybe this?



You choose

"Early Morning Meditations"

     As I sit with my the wee hours of the morning. I look down the hall to my daughters' opened door and then to my sons partially closed door (I closed that so the glow of the chandelier doesn't bother him...and he thinks "what on earth is my mom doing!")...and hubby soundly sleeping in the other bedroom... and I'm reminded that my most precious treasures are...them.

     I betting you'd say the same! Until next time...The Blue Farmhouse.

Early morning thoughts

Everyone is asleep

Painted Toe (( Ooo...I love her))

Monday, November 12, 2012

"Chicken Soup For The Soul"

     Perhaps you read the post "I'm Sick" and I was... but now happy to report that I'm feeling much better. I started to feel cold and weak last week and just ignored all the symptoms and BoOm it all came crashing down Friday night after work.

     Well I don't know about you but I rarely complain about being sick...too many responsibilities and demands...but it all came to a sudden halt! Thankful for the prayers, well wishes and some "muy" delicious soup from a friend and sister in Christ, Hermana Chonita Ortega.

     I wish I had the recipe to share with you because it's certainly worth sharing...better yet I hope you have a friend close by that'll deliver "chicken soup for the soul" when you need it most. I'm on the mend and life goes on....

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Lunch for 2

Homemade Chicken Soup w/ Tortillas & Spanish Rice

Ummm...good to the last bite

"Angels Wings"

     They're all above me, beneath me, before me, they're all around me. My Father's angels all protect me ev'rywhere. (Lyrics by Bill Gaithers)

     I found these angel wings in the back of my car, perhaps they were a discarded Halloween idea from my daughter or one of her friends. But I like them because they're not perfect...they have some black on the feathers at the bottom. Oh no...I said..."my angel has been working overtime to watch over me and my household".

     But that's okay because when she was done with her assignment for the night...the soiled ones were left as a reminder (or she hurried before morning light) on the entry door hook, "Home Sweet Home"... I'll be back...she left only to get some fresh ones for another day!

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Found angel wings

She'll be back...but I kinda like the soiled ones!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

"I'm Sick...."

     This photo was certainly taken during better days....but as for right now I'm sick and I need to get better. Hope to return soon feeling like my old self with some wonderful finds to share!

     The Blue Farmhouse.
The Blue Farmhouse. All rights reserved. 2025 BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.