Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Ready, Set, Let's Paint"

     Do you have several DIY projects? I do and we are beginning the prep work now on the old hutch I found the day before leaving for vacation. It's been in the garage (the pictures will bear this out) since then and now hubby is taping glass, removing hardware, glass and backboard.

     I fell in love with this hutch because it's massive and will beautifully display my never ending collection of dishes. And it's not like I have room for it in my house, but it's a keeper! Hopefully in a week or two I can show you the finish's going to be beautiful.

     I can hardly wait for him to get started and I'll work side by side with him on the painting the tall dresser. Until next time happy collecting and thrifting.

     The Blue Farmhouse

It's gonna be nice!

Front of cabinet

Back panel of cabinet 
( Painting the other side white and leave the original yellow pattern and they can be interchangeable)

I better get started!

Monday, August 27, 2012

"Out and About"

     Well, it seems that I just "hit the ground running" after returning from a great vacation in Port Angeles and Vancouver. I found so many wonderful things and there was more that I could have bought but room  definitely became a factor. Then I just froze in my tracks and didn't feel like I had anything worthy to post or talk about. What? Come on Rita get out of that funky mood and just share your heart and what really makes you happy.

     Wait a minute...did I hear someone say did you guess? I found these beautiful dishes on Sunday then remembered that I had a couple of plates that matched this exact pattern. I love the band of flowery motif circling each piece and they mismatch perfectly with others I have. I got all 3 pieces for $12.00.

     Finally, I decided to venture into this thrift store I just always pass by and found a couple of picture frames that I'll transform into a inspiration board and chalkboard. And this beautiful lamp that I will paint white and lightly distress. I can hardly wait to show you how beautifully they'll turn out! So, I hope you return to check out the final results.

     Until then happy collecting....The Blue Farmhouse.

Waiting for transformation

New dishes

Thursday, August 9, 2012

"My View From Here..."

     We all probably have a favorite room in our homes and I have surrounded my self with all the things that reflect beauty to me...and make my house our home.

     So when I come home from a long day of work or play, I love to flop down on the sofa in the living room, feet up on the sofa and looking toward the dining room this is what I see.....

Found dishes from thrift stores

Found blue and white linens too

Found chandelier $17.00!

More dishes

You're an angel, thanks and please do visit again!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"And The Winner Is..."

     Well this post is definitely long overdue and I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, but I've been super busy this summer with work, projects, etc.....

      Normally my husband comes to pick me up for lunch and we decide to eat at Subway. Well while awaiting our food I use his iPad to see what's going on with my blog and check my mail.

     So, when I open my hotmail account  it says, "Congratulations #11 you're a winner." What? No way! Honestly, I never win, so at this point everyone in Subway knew something spectacular had happened to me.

I won!

     What did I win? Well, I won a beautiful family hanging from "The House of Belonging" that was sponsored by Kim at "Savvy Southern Style".

     I just want to say to Kim thank you so much for choosing me to win. I don't know what the process was but I'm eternally grateful and better yet having you as a follower....well, I'm flattered. Needless to say because of Kim I gained new followers and a new audience.

     Tiffini from The House of Belonging carefully wrapped my beautiful gift and sent it a very nice note taped to the back. Currently it's propped against the wall on the floor so you view it immediately when you open the front door.

     This won't be the final resting place because, honestly no matter where I hang it and every time I read it...this special gift reminds each of us that possessions come and go but, family is forever.

I love it!

Thanks again Kim and Tiffini


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"My Big Fat Horton Family"

We Are Family

     This picture was taken on one of our trips into town for some shopping and antiquing. Including my mother in law and Terra (Teresa's eldest daughter who is taking the picture) there was a total of 13 of us having a blast for one whole week! 

     And then the inevitable....time to pack up and say so long for now...until we meet again. Words can not express the wonderful vacation time we had together...I love my "Big Fat Horton Family".

Nothing else can fit!

Monday, August 6, 2012

"Olympic Mountains-Hurricane Ridge"

     This is one natural wonder that needs...nor has any human explanation of it's speaks for itself. I witnessed people from all over the world in awe of her majestic splendor! How did I take this all in...I just stood still and marvelled at all I witnessed.

     Then a song came to my heart and one lyric says," O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the world Thy hands have made. I see the stars, I hear the roaring thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed. Then sings my soul....How Great Thou Art".

     Honestly folks, there is no other explanation. Learn more about Hurricane Ridge here.

Driving up the mountain they led the way

Wildflowers covers the mountains, hills and low places

A buck resting among the wildflowers on the hillside, watching us watching him

Tom and Teresa enjoying the sights

Throwing snow that is now hard ice

Deer are everywhere

Truly majestic

Sunday, August 5, 2012

"Cherry Picking"

     If there's any one fruit I absolutely's definitely cherries. And guess what? My sister in law Teresa has one right in her back yard loaded with cherries just waiting to be picked. Well picked we did and then we ate them all up!

     But, before I leave I must introduce you to another one of my fabulous sister in laws (remember there's 8 brothers) Teresa.

     She's funny, caring, giving and a joy to be around. We have so enjoyed being in your home along with your children and grandson. Thank you Teresa....we love you!

     Until next time....The Blue Farmhouse

Cherry picker "Daniel"

Cherry picker "Tom"

Fruit examiners (Tom, Daniel and Teresa)

Freshly picked cherries

Tom and his Mom

Thank you Teresa

Saturday, August 4, 2012

"Thrifting... Port Angeles Style-Day 2"

     Well...(sighing) I've decided that this would be my last day of hunting in thrift stores here in Port Angeles. It has been great fun and if I had only one more wish...and it's this "I wish I had more money and more car space."

     But I won't over indulge but rather be thankful that each time we come I always find beautiful things. Also, I'm grateful that my husband doesn't complain but let's me shop really with only a few limits (budget) and I know when to say it's enough.

      I hope you 'll enjoy these items and I can't wait to put them to use in my home or sell at "Sweet Repeats".

Use for plants or display vintage tools or other items
(love the faded blue color...of course)

Laughlin Homer gravy dish

Gravy dish can be used with this dish

Friday, August 3, 2012

"Thrifting... Port Angeles Style-Day 1"

     Well, I am now in Port Angeles visiting with my sister in law Teresa (whom I'll introduce to you in a later post) and my mother in law.

     Honestly, it's gonna be packed tight heading back to California because I have been fortunate finding great buys. In fact, my dream job would be traveling and locating merchandise for clients (any takers) here's a few photos of some things I have found so far.

     Does something here inspire you? Thanks for dropping by and until next time happy thrifting and collecting.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

 New finds

I love the worn green & gold patina on this old frame and illustrations

Le Creusent pot & vintage ships wheel clock 

Homer Laughlin plates and ironstone

Love the sticker...wish that's was my next destination!

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