Friday, August 29, 2014

"Happy Labor Day Weekend"

Pinterest Image

     All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy....literally translated is "said to warn someone that they will not be an interesting person by working all the time." 

     So just in case you were wondering...I plan on resting this long weekend! And I hope you will too.

The Blue Farmhouse

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

"Workspace in Progress....Not!"

     I actually do most of my work here at the dining room table... plopped on my comfy sofa (after work) daydreaming, planning and gleaning ideas. Maybe someday I'll have a designated work room for my desk but the bedroom will have to do for now.

     This desk is substantial in weight with a gorgeous base...which was the selling point for me. It was originally painted a light blue color with painted flowers on the drawers but my decision to paint it white was to accentuate all its grooves, scrolls and curves.

     I hope you love it as much as I until next time happy collecting, thrifting and hunting for your next treasure!

The Blue Farmhouse


Work area in progress

Before paint job

Thank you hubby

Monday, August 25, 2014

"Pickles Anyone?"

An old pickle jar

Pinterest image

     There's an old and very true proverb that says..."there's nothing new under the sun" and this certainly rings true with most collectibles today. Luckily I have found a couple of old jars that I love putting everyday stuff in like oatmeal cookies (hubby's favorite), cereal, yogurt covered pretzels just to name a few things.

     And here's a definite favorite that I found while browsing at Sweet Repeats...I'm glad we returned to purchase it because it's my newest fabulous find...a pickle jar!

     Thanks for dropping by....

The Blue Farmhouse

Saturday, August 23, 2014

"For Sale"

     I never tire of finding these beautiful vintage pieces. Some may call them a crescendo or sideboard...I just call them fabulous! How beautiful would a wedding cake and all its pretties look on top of this piece. Or perhaps re purposed as a double sink vanity? If you can just imagine with me a fresh coat of paint or varnish and it can become anything your heart desires.

     It was truly a beautiful day, a delicious lunch, a picturesque drive home and of course...  a fabulous find. Let me know if you are interested in either of the two I have for sale.

     Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and beautiful sunny days.

     The Blue Farmhouse

 Vintage find

Pinterest images

bathroom vanity

 Thanks for the help guys


Always my husband

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Some of my finds have been big things... 
Other times small things...
And a few have been gifts...
But they all share a special place in my heart and home.

Large mirrors


Hutch (sideboard)

Mirrors, lamps, clock

Vintage blue tool box

French style mirror

Ornate desk (now painted white)

Found hutch

Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and discovering...thanks for dropping by!

The Blue Farmhouse

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

"Harbouring A Dream"

     What do you do when you have a dream so vivid it's like you can reach out and touch it? Well I drew the best little picture I could... and retreated to this beautiful book 'Vintage by Nina' where I read of her friend harbouring a dream too.

     However what couldn't be drawn I'm thankful for these beautiful Pinterest images that make this heart say...Yes!!!

A dream...

 and this was there

 and these right outside the barn doors

A farm style table

Mix and matched chairs

 Blue and White dishes...of course


...and lots of friends (old and new ones)

Until next time...happy collecting, thrifting and thanks for dreaming with me. 

The Blue Farmhouse

Saturday, August 2, 2014

"Feelin' Groovy'

Feelin' Groovy

Slow down, you move too fast
You got to make the morning last
Just kicking down the cobblestones
Looking for fun and feelin' groovy
Ba da da da da da da, feelin' groovy
Doot-in doo-doo, feelin' groovy
Ba da da da da da da, feelin' groovy
Simon & Garfunkel
(The 59th Street Bridge Song)

This is how I spent most of my day after running a few errands

out on the front lawn...with my blue umbrella
(watching 'Painted Toe' as she splashed around in her kiddie pool) makes me so happy and I took time (a lot) to just slow down

Thanks for dropping by and I hope you found something inspiring here...please come again.

The Blue Farmhouse
The Blue Farmhouse. All rights reserved. 2025 BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.