Monday, October 22, 2012

"Here Comes The Sun"

Here comes the sun (doo doo doo doo)
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right.

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right
It's all right.

     Anyway, remember that Beatles tune? Well, it's the tune that I couldn't get out of my head as I previewed these pictures. This is a view that I enjoy every morning... I love these pictures and I hope that you will too.

     Enjoy....The Blue Farmhouse.

Entry way

Some favorite finds

Beautiful blue bird

Paper sign "I Love You"

Sunday, October 21, 2012

"Strange Bedfellows"

     I don't what it is about me and tutus but I love them. This particular one is that "lacy one" used for square dancing as they swing their partners do sa do... you know what I mean. While I may imagine myself in one with a pair of cowboy boots...the image is one thing and pulling it off is another. I'm not quite sure what I'd look like so I'll stick to collecting a few. In fact, they can be quite pricey but I found this one for $9.99.

     The other item I found was this green ornate lampshade that's going to be an absolute beauty when I complete the transformation. I saw this lamp a couple of weeks ago and the price was too I waited and they gave me a screaming deal. I just love these heavy and very ornate lamps because when I paint them white the details just stand out beautifully.

     I can't wait to show you the transformation and hope you return to see for yourself.

     Until next time...happy collecting and thrifting.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

lacy white tutu

rose fabric covered box

Ornate lamp base

Full view

Thursday, October 18, 2012

"Good Morning View"

     As for me there really is "no place like home" and this happens to be another one of my favorite views from my comfy sofa in the wee hours of the morning.

     My home is filled with things I have collected over the years and honestly there's no place I'd rather be after a long day of work or play.


Early Morning Light

Collection of bags and blue tutu

     Here's to making your "Home Sweet Home" everything you want it to be! Have a great weekend of collecting and thrifting.

     Until next time...The Blue Farmhouse.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

"These Won't Last"

     Wow, was all I could think of after viewing the finished projects last night. And I have to say thank you to my husband for always lending a helping hand.

     A couple of days ago I was on my way out and just a few doors from my house was a yard sale. I made a quick U-turn, got out of the car to inquire about the price and got back in my car late for my appointment.

     Of course, I felt the price was too high and later called my husband to go and inquire...and the rest is history. Great price....Great results. I wish I could keep them all but they are for sale in my space at "Sweet Repeats".

     Until next time happy collecting and thrifting.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Elegant Chalkboard

Inspiration & Chalkboards

Thank you

Sunday, October 7, 2012

"Easy As 1, 2, 3"

     I don't know about you but I much prefer to purchase my own chickens and cook them over store bought rotisserie chickens. And other than enjoying this simple but delicious meal, there's nothing like the smell of oven baked chicken filling the house.

     I love cooking but must admit I don't do as much as I use to because more than often no one is home until late at night....and then the scavenger hunt begins! So, if you have never tried this recipe, please do because it's as simple as 1, 2, 3.  And now are you ready for some Sunday night football!

     Enjoy....The Blue Farmhouse.

    Large rectangle baking dish with carrots, Walla Walla sweet onion and baby red potatoes tossed and coated with olive oil, salt and pepper.

Chicken's has been washed and seasoned with salt, pepper and rubbed slightly with pats of butter and then placed directly on top of vegetables.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees and place on rack to slow roast (about 1-1 1/2), allowing all those delicious juices to be absorbed by the vegetables.

Cover with aluminum foil and let rest on counter before serving with a fresh salad or whatever you prefer.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


     Are your collections taking over? Like really Tommy (hubby) is it necessary to paint this gigantic piece of furniture HERE!!?!!

     Each time I purchase something my husband ask, "Is this piece going in your space at "Sweet Repeats" and sometimes I say yes and it does, and most of time I say "yep" knowing full well this is mine! He says it can't be painted in the garage because it gets cold now...anyway I am glad that he is volunteering to do it because it'll look professionally done.

     This is going to take awhile because he just had eye surgery and I have to unload all the dishes from the antique cupboard and relocate it to the family room. What I need are bigger rooms...more opened space...what I really need is some S.O.S.!!!

     P.S. I'm having second thoughts now about painting this piece now (yaaaa) but I will have to locate some updated hardware. So stay tuned as I attempt to completed this weekend!

     The Blue Farmhouse.


Hardware off and I'm looking for replacements

Drawers left out on chairs

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