Sunday, April 29, 2012

"Thank you, Neighbor"

     My neighbor two houses down from me just blessed me with this beautiful old trunk and I can't believe it. This was my first time in her home and I have always admired it from the outside (always neatly manicured lawn and beautifully landscaped). We have enjoyed conversations in passing on our love for collecting and decorating, as well as, past purchases from my previous yard sells.

     Our styles are similar and I was honored that she invited me in and asked me for decorating tips. She told me that the trunk previously belonged to a neighbor and family friend (who no longer lives there) family and it had lots of old things inside that since then has been discarded. It's perfect and coming from this neighbor I knew that the outside at least would be in good shape despite its' age.

    Here are some pictures of the trunk along with some of my favorite blue and white pillows and quilts. I also took pictures of the inside and can you believe the paper inside is a striped faded blue. The trunk needs some dusting inside but it's perfect in it's imperfect shape.

     What do you think? Again, thank you neighbor.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Stacked blue and white quilts on trunk

Opened and found faded blue and white stripped paper

Lucky me

Another look

Close up

Sunday, April 22, 2012

"Picture Perfect"

     No, not me silly but I'm loving how this "Amazing" find has turned out! I'm definitely going to have to live with this one for a while before I sell it.

     The frame measures 53X31 inches and will be perfectly repurposed to be propped against a kitchen wall or hanging up on a wall with some chalkboard art.

     I'm anxious to hear your thoughts an ideas...until next time happy thrifting.

     The BlueFarmhouse

Picture Perfect


Saturday, April 21, 2012


     My agenda this Saturday morning was to meet with class members at a local park to plant trees. Well, I started this journey at 8AM only to arrive at my destination 9:30AM. What's so amazing about this story is that I live in a small community and should've known where this park was located but I didn't! In fact I have never been to it despite being so close I could've hit it with a rock....not my head but the park.

     So while searching and ending up in a residential section I happen upon a group sale in a parking lot. I decide to stop and get out and guess what I see...yep the chair and it's leather. My attraction was the nail heads, color and age but definitely not the gentleman sitting in it. (He was very kind and helpful)

     I walk over and ask if he was buying it and he said,"No, but I could" (he was a part of the group in the parking lot selling things). You won't believe the price $20! I'm sorry but I just had to take it and worry about placement later. It's really beautiful in person and very very comfortable.

     After a long work week and school I needed this detour and I'm so glad that I happened upon it.

     Happy detours and thrifting.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Restful chair

Love the nail heads on the arms

Side views

Side views

I love the wheel casters!

One last look

Thursday, April 19, 2012

"A Hat Box"

Me & My "Hat Box"

     Nothing particular special about this hat box, except its' colors are blue and white. I was browsing around in Sweet Repeats and the instant I saw it I wanted to buy it. 
     For me the memories of hat boxes make me return to my childhood and seeing my grandma (who we lovingly called "Hat") purchases hats from Belk's Department Store. I think those are bygone days but hat boxes such as these I just couldn't pass up!

      My Grandma "Hat"(back row to your left), my sister and me (the smallest) in our green dresses, of course sewn by my Grandma "Hat"

     I'm sure I'll find some use for it. What's your ideas?

     The Blue Farmhouse

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"New Dishes"

     The worn gold patina on these dishes is so very lovely and could be perfectly matched with all the other dishes in my cupboard. There's a total of 6 smaller plates and the trim is different on each one.

     My only dilemma is I don't need any more dishes, so these just might have to go to my vendor space at Sweet Repeats. Honestly, I just love beautiful old dishes and I have a hard time resisting them! Perhaps my solution is to live with them for awhile and later sell them and of course, always share them with you.

     Until next time happy thrifting.

     The Blue Farmhouse

My new favorites

Paired with others

I love these combinations

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"A Beautiful Find"

     I found this chest at a favorite thrift store and immediately knew I had to have this one, despite having no real need for it. It's a beautiful blue and white chest with an oh... so light pale blue trim along the top edges and drawer. I wouldn't change anything and I love the knobs!

      Imagine this chest paired opposite a white round table with long tapered narrow legs, a tufted headboard in white or oatmeal brown. The bed is beautifully dressed in all white linens except for some taupe colored shams and a couple my favorite blue and white plaid pillows. Then, I could prop my tall white ornate mirror against the wall, draping something oh so simple...oh so sweet.

     Okay, I'm off to make this dream happen!


    The Blue Farmhouse

 My new find

I love the pale blue trim

Love the knobs

Some old suitcases I found at a thrift store for $3 each!

I found this inside the suitcase and it reads on one side "Good for full fare and on the opposite side it reads, "Honolulu Rapid Transit 1924"

Suitcase stamp reads, "Bob Hall's Wild Goose 13302 Ventura Blvd. Sherman Oaks, California

Antique chest blue & white (antique or not I'm sold on this beautiful find)

The Blue Farmhouse. All rights reserved. 2025 BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.