Saturday, December 31, 2011

"Happy New Year"

     I love THRIFTING, I love decorating, I love looking at beautiful rooms, I love rooms that are fresh and inspiring, I love gardens, I love it all and this is how I spent the last day of 2011.  

     Perhaps with all the DIY programs, HGTV, Sarah Inc., Dear Genevieve, The Antonio Treatment, and many more to choose from, more people have definitely returned their hearts to home again.

     One of my most favorite things to do is to sit in my living room with lights dimly lit, a cup of coffee and just love the space I've created. Each collection speaks a special sentiment in my heart either about a person, an event or the acquisition of a particular piece. The vast majority has just been through years and years of thrift stores, antique stores or special shops I have found.

     I believe this to be true, "There's No Place Like Home" and it's evident from the beautiful and inspiring blogs that I follow and new ones I find.

     I feel honored to be a part of the blogging community and grateful for the readers that have reached out with their kind comments and encouragement. Thank you and I hope you continue to read as I grow and The Blue Farmhouse blog evolves.

     Here's some pictures of some beautiful things I found the last day of 2011! By the way, I'm spending New Years Eve on the sofa with a cup of coffee and with my family, as we count our blessings!

     Enjoy and Happy New Year!

Box of beautiful blue and white finds!
(The contents of the box cost less than $40.00)

Blue and white lamp $20!,Wedgewood bowl $9!

Photo Op!
(The tallest lamp was painted white and scuffed up's heavy and beautiful)

Polish pottery find $20 (All 4 pieces)

Pair of candelabra lamps
(I paid $10 for the pair and I already had lampshades)

Friday, December 30, 2011

"Goodwill Hunting"

     I've been living out my dream for the past couple of days, because all I've been doing is visiting some of my favorite thrift stores. (Thank goodness for Christmas break)

     Today, was especially exciting because I found this dresser at a Goodwill store. As I wondered to the back of the store by the furniture I knew this was a great find (and even better price) the moment I saw it. Those curvy exposed front legs, and rounded corner with all those nooks and crannies make this "find" an excellent candidate for a beautiful paint job!

    My only dilemmas now are what room will I place it and what color? White or perhaps a robin egg blue? Regardless, it'll make ideal credenza to house napkins, extra flatware, tablecloths and other entertaining needs. Or it would be beautiful in the entry way paired with one of the large ornate white mirrors I've restored. Perhaps I may stick to my original plan to place in my daughters bedroom that we are re-doing soon.

     Wherever, I choose to put it, this Goodwill find was definitely worth the hunt! I hope that you'll check back to see the "after" pictures.

     Until then, happy treasure hunting!

 Waiting on the loading dock

Car ready

Composed photo

I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!

Destination reached

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"Blue Wall Paper"

     Honestly, I love coming across a fabulous find totally unexpectedly. Recently, I was rambling through some boxes and right before my eyes, I spotted a roll of blue and cream wallpaper. Actually, it might be shelving paper but, either way I know actually how I plan on using it. And it was free!

      A couple of months ago, I found this old 4 door tall cabinet for $10 and have recently painted it white and it's perfectly imperfect! It was in my bedroom for a long time housing all my fabrics and textiles. Now it is currently being used at a space I'm renting from at "Sweet Repeats."

     My future plans will be to use the wallpaper to line the shelves of the old cabinet and save the rest for another project.

     Look for some pictures but, until then here's some sample of blue and white papers that I love and remember...a little goes a long way.

Look what I found!

Blue Paisley Paper

Love this

Happy ramblings!

Monday, December 26, 2011

"Zoom, Zoom, Zoom"

     Well, he's done it again! My hubby picked the perfect Christmas gift for me and it was a total surprise. So, as I open up the box there it is, a Canon EF 75-300mm lens.

      I am so blessed to have a husband who always goes the "extra mile"to help me with whatever he can.

     Now, if I could get help with my photography. I guess I'll start with reading the manual. Um... sounds like a good place to begin.

My "life" partner

So Happy

Thank you, Tommy!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

"O Christmas Tree"

O Christmas tree! O Christmas tree! 
Much pleasure thou can'st give me;
O Christmas tree! O Christmas tree!
Much pleasure thou can'st give me;
How often has the Christmas tree
Afforded me the greatest glee!
O Christmas tree! O Christmas tree!
Thy leaves are so unchanging!

     After looking at these pictures, I just had to show the process of getting this beautiful tree up. The tree itself is at least 10 feet tall.

      I grew up with an artificial tree. In fact, the tree that I remember was the silver aluminum one's that are such prized collectible today. And, we also had the revolving turning light stand that would make the tree orange, green, yellow or red! Oh my goodness, I'm dating myself now.

     On the other hand, my husband grew up having a real tree for Christmas. So, we've had both but for the past several years we have this artificial beauty.

     The history behind this found tree is that it was going to be discarded, trashed, thrown away and my husband got it for $0! It's so beautiful when decorated and especially so at night time. Often I sit in the living room with the blinds open, lights out and a cup of coffee and realize I'm so blessed.

      It's true... O Christmas tree! O Christmas tree! You have afforded me the greatest glee!


Beginning stages

Grandpa's special lil' helper

Another of Santa's helpers

Lights on

Almost there

Santa's best helper "hubby"

Hard at work

Time out

Nightie, Night time (His favorite role "Grandpa")

Merry Christmas

Monday, December 19, 2011

Merry Christmas

     It's been a pleasure to share with you some of the things that I collect and find as I go looking for treasures. Honestly, there's nothing I love doing more than hopping in the car with my husband off to see what "today's finds" might yield.

     So, once again I say "Welcome" as I share with you a few of my favorite things...

Come on in

Collection of vintage ornaments

Old Saint Nick

Old watering tins

Merry Christmas

P.S. I'm off to shop for presents because there's none under the tree!:)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This Little Light of Mine!

      My hubby finished restoring the glass chandelier I found and now it hangs beautifully in the hallway bathroom.

      You can view before and after pictures in a previous post "Chandelier Restored". But, now I've gotta show you what I found last week. Yes, another beautiful light fixture. I was actually on my way out of the store and spotted it lying on a shelf. This beauty only cost me $3.99!

     I will have my husband paint the base white for an updated look and then mount to the ceiling in the hallway bathroom. It's really beautiful and will go perfectly with the cut glass chandelier.  I can hardly wait until it's finished and share with you the outcome.

     Here's some pictures of how it looks now.



Another angle

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"New Venture"

     Attention! Attention! "The Blue Farmhouse" has ventured out into new territory. I'm pleased to announce that my daughter Ryan creator of "The Blooming Thread" and I have a vendor's booth at "Sweet Repeats". I'm very pleased to share this space with Ryan and I'm looking forward to see where will this adventure will lead me. Ryan is experiencing great success with her business and I just hope some of her successes rub off on me.

     What I have found out so far is it takes time, (although it's only been a couple of weeks now that we have set up shop) tagging everything, picking out the right tags and so on. I want every piece that I place in that space to speak loud and clear "The Blue Farmhouse's" style. In fact, I won't put anything in the shop that I wouldn't put in my home. Now, that's a tall order because I absolutely love living with the things that I have found over the years.

     I'm also confident that you will too, so here's some photos of me getting things ready for our space at "Sweet Repeats". Come by for a visit or leave a comment and let me know what you think.

     Wish us luck!

Remember this frame

Packing things

Suitcases and quilts

More things

Green glass collection

Setting up shop

Another look

Stopping by for a visit

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Chandelier Restored!

     I'm so excited to share with you a few pictures of the glass chandelier that I recently wrote about in "Look What I Found."

     However, what I can't share are photos of the meticulous hours of workmanship my husband put into this lamp. He is my biggest fan and I couldn't do this without him. We love many of the same things so when we go antiquing he goes in one direction and I go in the other and we meet at the register.

     The chandelier looks great with or without the white lamp shades and it would work great in any room. Now, I'm just waiting for my husband to sew a white cord cover (he's an excellent tailor). He really is very good at sewing.

     I'm very happy with the outcome and this is a find that I'll always cherish. Enjoy and let's go treasure hunting!

Before Picture

After Picture

I love this chandelier

Another angle

Saturday, December 3, 2011

"Not Your Grandma's Country"

     The barometer I use to make sure that my designs stay fresh and updated are these 2 things: When my daughter Ryan says, "Mom I want that", after a day of thrift stores and antiquing and just being true to my decorating vision and personal style.

     There's an old proverb that says, "there's nothing new under the sun" and I believe that this is true of design. Inspiration is all around us be it through people we aspire to emulate, nature, magazines and the list could go on and on.

     My daughters have grown up seeing me garden, antique shopping and dream of one day having my own shop. I will never forget what Ryan said to me once when she relocated to where we currently reside. Her father gave her directions to our new house and when she arrived she said, "Mom I knew this was the house when I saw all the flowers outside".

     I personally love Ryan's style and enjoy reading her blog. She inspires me! Honestly, I can't believe that I am so blessed to be the mother of these beautiful young ladies and I tell them all the time, "You'll grow up and be just like me (loving blue and white) and hopefully dream bigger and go farther.

      I already see signs of their unique styles as they create and forge their own fashion styles and eventually one day their homes.

     So it is daughter!

Me and My Beautiful Daughters

Friday, December 2, 2011

"Picket Fences"

     I'm thrilled to introduce you to another gorgeous shop "Picket Fences" and owner Leanne on California's central coast. I felt honored to have finally met Leanne because I have personally shopped in her store and she follows my blog!

     Picket Fences is located in Solvang, California a beautiful quaint Danish community filled with boutiques of every kind, art galleries, culinary delights, vineyards and so much more. Trust me if you have never made this place a destination spot you will soon after viewing these pictures. Her shop really needs no introduction except to those shoppers who have never visited yet, so sit back and enjoy!

Q. How long have you been in business?
A. I have been in business for 11 years. I was in a partnership with my cousins until they retired about 2 years ago.

Q. What do you believe is the secret to your shops success?
A. I think that the right answer is obvious for me because it's my faith, hard work and of course, you have to love what you do.

Q. Where do you draw inspiration?
A. Magazines, HGTV, blog spots and I just recently discovered Pinterest and of course, I love antiquing.

Q. What are your future dreams for yourself and your business?
A. Well, to continue enjoying what I'm doing. I love meeting new people and we have clientele from many different places. I have become friends with many of them and it's always good to see them again.

Me and Leanne

I love the sparkle of this table

The Garden section

More of the Garden

Beautiful Bedroom and accessories

Gracious shop owner

     Thank you Leanne for your graciousness and I wish you continued success in the future. It's shops like yours that remind me that I too love decorating, antiquing and meeting people like you!

     Sincerely, The Blue Farmhouse

The Blue Farmhouse. All rights reserved. 2025 BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.