Friday, February 21, 2014

"I Remember When..."

     I remember when this was this and now this is that....well to make a long story short I'm changing things around. Some things I've sold and replaced and others are in the garage! And this is what it looks like for now...what do you think?

     Thanks for dropping by and until next time happy collecting, thrifting, and changing this to this or that to that...The Blue Farmhouse

    Have a safe weekend everyone!

I remember getting these chairs free


Replaced hutch...I love this piece

Okay...still need some work

I remember when I found this piece

and this piece 

transformed to this...but I sold it and replaced it

Happy thrifting and collecting!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

"A Little Surprise"

It's still the simple

Found treasures

That I love...

     And this little black velvet belt with the circular rhinestone buckle was tucked away in a beautiful leopard bag I found for my daughter. I love pleasant surprises...don't you! 

     Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and finding little surprises. 

     The Blue Farmhouse

Monday, February 3, 2014

"Happy 33rd Anniversary"

Yes...the years have flown by

And this love is forever!

     On Sunday, February 2, 2014 Tom and I celebrated 33 years of marriage together! So on Saturday night after I laid down to sleep...I shouted out Tommy can you come here please? He comes to my side of the bed and I ask him for a kiss... [and say] just in case I don't awake in the morning I want you to know that I love you and being your wife has been great and I've loved every moment!

     I'm so thankful to God for my husband and the years he has given us...I'm committed until 'death do us part'.

     Now let's go and hit some thrifts store...wish me luck! The Blue Farmhouse

Saturday, February 1, 2014

"Something New"

     Well it's not really new...but I found this old table and have started to re purpose it by painting it white. It's not finished yet.. I need to paint the two drawers and the top. But I had this great idea and thought it was a perfect size for the entryway foyer. Then I just used some of the many accessories I have around the house to place on the top. I hope to finish it soon and then there's no need to hide the top with a cloth!
     Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and rearranging.

     Thanks for dropping by...The Blue Farmhouse

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