Saturday, September 28, 2013

"Goodbye September...Hello October...Final Take 3"

     Here's my other friends...

These ladies were kinda bossy

Would you like an apple?...Nay about a carrot? the tongue!

I'll eat the apple

Say what?

     And what better way to end the day with than...

A little something for "Painted Toe"

Two perfect "blue" chairs
[Plans to pair these with a pair of rattan chairs to go around the round table I plan to paint white]

And tacos

     And that's a wrap folks... I have never tried to do three posts in one day but it was one of the fulfilling, fun packed, relaxing days of collecting family memories...thrifting in town and finding those two awesome "blue" chairs.

     And it's only Saturday...

     Thanks for taking the time to read me...The Blue Farmhouse

"Goodbye September...Hello October...Take 2"

And I made some new friends at the mission...

Help! Papa

I got'cha baby girl

One new friend and more to meet...

The three amigos

I didn't forget ya'

Wait a minute...someone is missing

Are you my but here's a carrot

     I hope that you'll return to see my other new friends and also to see what my grandma found at a thrift store. Thanks for tuning in...The Blue Farmhouse be continued

"Goodbye September...Hello October...Take 1"

Today has been a very full day....

 I help...grandma

 I'm coming...

 Reach...some for you

More for me...

     My Saturday mornings begin with Painted Toe insisting on helping with the gardening...which includes on her part as is...out of comb hair and in her pajamas. 

     But the adventures are just beginning. Please keep reading to the end... to be continued...

     The Blue Farmhouse

"Good Friday"

     I know that today isn't Friday... however I found this while on an early morning errand yesterday... There it was just sitting there awaiting my arrival and I was happy to snatch up this beauty. I haven't decided yet but I just might have to keep this one! What do you think?

     An incredible hopefully a wonderful weekend of thrifting, collecting and more fabulous finds.

     The Blue Farmhouse

 Friday's Find

 I like this

 Inside house

Rosette pattern around mirror

Sunday, September 22, 2013

"More Finds"

     I'm very excited to share with you what I found while thrifting on Saturday. I will be preparing all these things to sell at the Remnants of the Past Vintage Show coming soon at Madonna Expo Center in San Luis Obispo, CA. 

     When I saw this table I absolutely had to have this piece. It's solid (wood) as a rock and my plans are to repaint it a beautiful white and leave the clear knobs. If you want to know more about these pieces...well you'll just have to make plans to meet me on November 9 & 10, 2013. 

     Until next time happy thrifting and collecting. 

     The Blue Farmhouse.

 Preparing for the ride home

 Original condition

 I love the base of this piece

 Frames, picture and mirror

Friday, September 20, 2013

"Curious George!?"

Well her name is not George...

 What is Painted Toe looking for?

 Wait a minute...I think I found it!

 And in the mouth it goes...

 It's a rock!

And she's always "curious" about something...

     Here's to wishing you a great weekend...and as I think about tomorrow I too am curious about what it may bring. Until then happy collecting and thrifting...oh and I promise to share my finds with you.

     The Blue Farmhouse

Sunday, September 15, 2013

"Oops... I Did It Again"

     And I promised more dishes! Wait a minute I can justify this purchase...remember these I found a couple of months ago. Well they match these....


     The Blue Farmhouse

Newest finds

Service 6-8

 Earlier finds

 I love mix and matching 

C'mon over to my house
(Don't forget the food)

"Mr. Postman Review"

My lil model

Now she's starting to sing (swaying back and forth)

Extra parts removed

It's moveable

My idea

     Although I'm still busy entertaining "Painted Toe" thankfully I was able to take some better pictures of the piece I got from the post office. Thanks to my husband for removing some of the big bulky parts and now with just some fresh paint, soap and water...this piece is for sale.

     I found this image while scouring around Pinterest on this beautiful blog. Hopefully you can drop by for a visit and I'm interested in your thoughts. 

     Thank you for coming back... The Blue Farmhouse

Saturday, September 14, 2013

"My Lil' Potted Flower"

Where are you? Here I come and I'm gonna find you! 

     And this is how I spent my day...although I had other working on some projects, my blog, taking some pictures but "Painted Toe" had other plans. So I just spent the day with her. 

     What did you do and who did you hang out with today? Hopefully with someone that you really love! I did!!!

     Until next time happy collecting thrifting, collecting and just going with the flow. 

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Monday, September 9, 2013

"Hey Mr. Postman"

Oh yes, wait a minute Mr. Postman
Wait Mr. Postman
Please Mr. Postman look and see
(Oh yeah)
If there's a letter in your bag for me....

Is this a letter...for me? 

Post office find

     While riding my bike to work I noticed this beauty in the post office trash bin....Stop...Wait a minute. So I peeped over the cement petition and discovered it looks like a desk or something used to sort mail. ( It's not a stationary piece but on coasters and has compartments for hanging keys).

     The color was intriguing and my imagination got the best of me. So I'm going to clean it up, discard some pieces and put a "For Sale"tag on it. Umm... I could use to display all kind of things. What would you do with this piece?

     Hope you return for the transformation. Oh yes...I'm keeping counting of the things I need to have ready by this weekend and this is one of two. See you then.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Monday, September 2, 2013

"It's My Birthday"

     A surprise gift from hubby that I so flower pots! It was a great day of fun and surprises. 

     Hope your Labor Day was the same. 

The Blue Farmhouse

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