Saturday, June 29, 2013

"Another Day...Another..."

Today's finds

     Actually I didn't find as much today, but the weather was gorgeous and it's always fun thrifting with Mr. Blue Farmhouse. I'm always excited to find beautiful frames that can be transformed into chalkboards or message boards. And I also found this basket that I can use for organizing incoming or outgoing mail. I'm happy with what I did find....

Frames and a basket

Let the transformation begin

     Thank you for dropping by and until next happy collecting, thrifting, living....and oh I hope you'll return to see the finish projects. 

     The Blue Farmhouse

"My Garden...Update"

     Technically speaking it's not a garden...but rather my hanging baskets in front of the house. They are flourishing and I can hardly wait for the germaniums to overflow in the barrels.

     Now I'm off to do some thrifting and hopefully something good comes my way...and wishing you to same.

     The Blue Farmhouse.



Still growing

Saturday, June 22, 2013

"CC and Me"

     I received a call on Friday morning, "Hey Rita I would like to take you to a really nice spot in Avila Beach for lunch tomorrow." And boy what a fabulous day Cecy had planned for me... Just to give you a glimpse...

Entering WoodStone Marketplace at Avila Village

My friend CC

 Delicious chicken pasta salad

Turkey-Cranberry Sandwich

 Vintage plates
[I found some like these earlier last year]

Pair of vintage lamps

I love transforming these beauties with some white paint!

     It truly was a magical day with a special friend who also loves thrifting, as well as, discovering some new beautiful spots to relax, eat and shop on California's Central Coast. Thanks for dropping by and I hope you'll return to see the lamps after I re purpose them. 

     Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and discovering new places in your neck of the woods! 

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

"Vintage Show....Finds Revealed"

Here's a look at the items
I purchased from 
The Remnants of the Past
Vintage Show 
held in San Luis Obispo


Vintage Blue Tool Box

Use to hold flowers or dinnerware for a party favorite color

I've got gardening on my mind...

Beautiful vintage table covering

Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and living.

The Blue Farmhouse.

"Great Day...Fabulous Finds"

Painted Toe 
[She's dog tired...after our bike ride]

     I probably should feel this way after experiencing a long day that started...or should I say ended with a night long sleepover for 9-11 year old girls at my job. Then I rush home, take a shower and off to hunt for some finds in Santa Barbara with hubby. 

     And this is what I came back with...

Ready? Okay!

[love this large buffalo gravy serving dish]

The mirrors are heavy and beautiful!

     I guess I should be tired ...but I'm too excited about all these finds. Now to share a little secret with you... I got all these items for about $115.00. I even haggled and bargained with a thrift store clerk for the clock, and the two mirrors. 

     Now I can't wait to get out my paint can and get started with re purposing all these items. Can anyone guess what color I might use? 

     Until next time....happy collecting, thrifting and living. 

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

"Knobs, Knobs and More Knobs"

     These are the knobs I have decided on for the white cabinet I found for only $10.00! And I can't wait to get them and show the results to you. But now I have to make a choice of which finish would be best? The polished nickel, satin nickel or bronze finished. Personally I 'm heavily leaning towards the knobs with the... finish. Wait a minute...not so fast... you give your choice first.

     So while I'm awaiting your pick... I'm off to take some pictures to show off the beautiful finds from the vintage show in San Luis Obispo.

     Promise me you'll come's gonna get better.

     The Blue Farmhouse

Vintage knobs from Pottery Barn

Needs a little TLC
[and yes the mirror will not remain on top]

Monday, June 3, 2013

"Can't Believe This One"

Yard sale hutch

     You have probably never heard this expression..."Look what the cat just dragged in." What?!?! I can see you scratching your heads right now. Well if you could have seen me with my son Christopher wheeling this up the sidewalk...I'm sure it was a funny sight. But for $10.00 it was worth. However you would have to ask my son his opinion and my husband. 

     The mirror is one of several ornate ones found at a thrift store. It was gold but I applied a coat of white paint and distressed so that some of the original color would show through. I love finding these ornate mirrors and so far I have been very lucky [my husband would probably wish my luck would run out]....because there's no space for more. Now I just need to add some finishing touches like glass knobs for the doors, clean and fill, fill, fill with? What would you fill this piece with? I hope you'll return to see the outcome when everything has been completed. 

     Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and living. 

     The Blue Farmhouse

"Believe In Yourself"

 Re purposed ice bucket

Style? What's yours?.... I wanna know? And here's a little glimpse of mine. 

The Blue Farmhouse

Sunday, June 2, 2013

"A Happy Winner...Again"

Special Gift

     I have wanted and needed to send a special thank you to Sandy for this beautiful blouse that I won from a give-away on her blog. I anxiously awaited my winnings and when I open it the colors where just as beautiful and vibrant as I had seen on her blog. Sandy is an extraordinary seamstress, designer, blogger, entrepreneurial and... a friend.

     Actually Sandy's beautiful daughter modeled the shirt spectacularly and now an old lady like me has to follow in her footsteps [no competition...she wins hands down.] So today was my 'Sunday-go-to-meetin' outfit and a perfect time for me to share some photos with you.

     Again thank you and I invite all you creative folks out there to drop a visit to Sandy's beautiful blog C'est Moi. I won't be disappointed! Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and living.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Sandy's beautiful model

Thank you, Sandy

Saturday, June 1, 2013

" Vintage Show...Part One"

My "happy"dance..."We're here!"

My road partner...daughter Ryan w/coffee in tow

Let the shopping begin!

Ryan's wasting no time

How about this one?

I can hardly wait to show you my purchases

Lots of people

Something for Mr. Blue Farmhouse?!

Beautiful vendors inside and outside

 This was one of Ryan's favorite vendors

Wait up!

Lunch time...stay tune for more

     Well I probably went a little overboard on the pictures but I had the best time ever with my daughter Ryan. Happily my hubby joined us for a little while [to help us load] and to view a couple of vendors booths. Ryan and I found a nice [surprise] gift for Father's Day that I'm sure he's going to love. 

     To be honest the day was just perfect except when we finally decided to eat at this particular food truck they were out of what we wanted. I'm so glad I didn't miss this show again...and just in case you did....well there's always next year. 

     I hope you'll return to see the beautiful items I picked up. Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and living. Thanks Ryan, for a lovely time!

     The Blue Farmhouse.

The Blue Farmhouse. All rights reserved. 2025 BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.