Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"Mirror, Mirror"

     I got it... and now I just hope these pictures will give a glimpse of its beauty. Right now the mirror it's propped on the floor because it's very heavy and, I'm trying to figure out the perfect location. I have the right pieces now I just need to do some rearranging plus I want a different house! Well that's another post for another time but something definitely on my wish list.

     Finally I just took some shots of my home and some you might recognize as "favorite" spots to photograph. I'm anxious to hear your thoughts so leave a comment if you'd like.

     Until next time (well I'm not asking for anything else for a while)...happy thrifting and collecting.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

    He got it!

My new mirror

Close up

A kitchen view

A favorite spot

This was a "good morning"

Monday, February 18, 2013

"All In A Days Work"

     I wish that finding all these wonderful things that describe 'Blue Farmhouse" style was my job, but unfortunately it isn't. No worries though because, I love finding things for my home and to sell at flea markets.

     Here's another old frame I found and, I will probably discard the picture to replace with chalkboard or cork. My daughter Ryan at likes the picture but, I don't so maybe I can give it to her. And the little shelf was gold but I repainted white and scuffed up a bit.

     O well, I guess I better get back to work...collecting and thrifting.

     Until next time...The Blue Farmhouse.

I love to re purpose these frames

repainted shelf

Closer look

"Wish Me Luck"

Photo by Cecilia Plaché

     Sunday after church Tom and I drove to Santa Barbara and, of course, we stop to check out a favorite thrift store. Well, while browsing around 'low and behold' I see this beautifully scrolled carved antique gilded mirror... and I just had to have it.

     And guess what?... my dear husband drives back to buy for my 32nd wedding anniversary gift. I just hope that it's still there.

     Wish me luck...

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

"Happy Weekend"

     Wishing you a relaxed three day weekend and, of course, with some planned thrift store shopping. I'm anticipating some time to "unwind" along with antique shopping in Summerland, CA. There's some awesome shops there and I'm hopeful my travels will yield me some goodies too.

     I found this mannequin dress form at a thrift store in San Diego years ago and it's still one of my favorite finds. So until next time...happy collecting and thrifting.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Fab find

A few of my favorite things

Sunday, February 10, 2013

"Pink Cadillac"

     This has got to be one of my most "favorite" finds of all times! It's a "pink Cadillac" for our youngest granddaughter who I affectionately call Painted Toe. I call her several other affectionate names but I won't bore you...okay I'll tell you one more name... I call her ~ Lily Pad ~. Why? I don't know except for I love her so sometimes I simply call her "Beautiful".

     I absolutely love being a grandma and I love this fabulous find. Hey, I was just thinking that maybe I could use it for a prop to display a "Blue Farmhouse" baby line of clothing at the flea market. Or I could tie lots of helium balloons in pink and white to announce her 1st birthday.  Well that's down the road maybe as I dream and try to live out the things I have in my head and heart.

     And if you are wondering if I found some other things yesterday... yes I did and I will get pictures up soon.

     Until next time...happy collecting and thrifting.

     The Blue Farmhouse.




~ Love ~

Saturday, February 9, 2013

...More Sconces...

     I'm not sure if these pictures will give the real beauty of these unique sconces. But, I just had to share them with you. It's actually 3 of them, 1 large and 2 smaller ones. I found the larger one behind some old furniture at a thrift store in San Diego and later the 2 smaller ones I found at one of my favorite consignment stores in Santa Barbara.

     I don't have them mounted against a wall as yet, but they are currently on top of an old antique cupboard filled with dishes. I think they're pretty nice but, I'm interested in what you think of them.

     So, until next time (because on Saturday morning I'm off to see what I can find) happy thrifting and  collecting.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

There's actually 3 of them

Now just for a little cleaning!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"So Long...Farewell"

     Gotcha!!! You can't get rid of me that easy...I'm just beginning to have some fun... but what I am saying 'so long farewell' to is my vendor space at "Sweet Repeats". I started renting a vendor space over a year ago with Teddy the owner of "Sweet Repeats" and enjoyed every minute of it.

     But, I have made a decision to no longer rent a space to sell the things I collect and love. I'm thankful for the successes however, it was difficult for me to give it my full attention due to a very busy schedule.

     In the meantime, I have some plans to continue to do what I love just in a different venue. So stay tune, wish me luck and until we meet again....happy collecting thrifting, collecting and I'll keep climbing till my dreams come true.

     The Blue Farmhouse.

All packed up

New adventures ahead

Saturday, February 2, 2013

"The Way We Were...Happy 32nd Anniversary"

I, Rita, take you Tom to be my lawfully wedded husband.
To have and to hold, from this day forward,
For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer
In sickness and in health
To love and to cherish
"Til death do us part.
And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.

February 2, 1981
Yakima, Washington

The Blue Farmhouse. All rights reserved. 2025 BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.