Saturday, January 30, 2016

"Not Just Another....Mirror"

New find



A few of them

     If you have followed "The Blue Farmhouse" for any length of time you're well aware of my love for these grand ornamental vintage mirrors. And I have lots of them in different shapes and styles but each one as beautiful as the other. I don't always paint them white but I have developed an affinity for this color... well for some things. I guess you could say it's the new black and with all the other colors surrounding them the white just stands regal.

      Usually I will place a pair of vintage lighting or gold candelabras on either side and it looks great. Recently a few of my very large white mirrors were used by a bride in her dressing room for the bridesmaid and of course the bride. I was more than happy to see them serve a beautiful functional purpose like... a wedding.  

     Thank you to my followers for your support and sweetness and I invite you to check me out on Instagram too. Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and pop on over to see what I'm up to on Instagram.

     The Blue Farmhouse 

Friday, January 1, 2016

"My Vintage Armoire Find"

My Blue Farmhouse Favorite Find 

Move in day

I love this skeleton key

Stuck drawer...determined guy 


     This is a story of one of my most favorite finds so far with lots (I mean lots) of pictures. It begins with a weekend trip to a couple of thrift stores. I walk in and my eyes scope out my surrounding quickly. Have you ever heard the saying "You snooze you lose" well that has happened to me a few times. Truthfully most of the times it appears that it's sitting there already mark sold to Miss Blue Farmhouse.

     So as I walk to the back I spot this vintage armoire and my heart is pounding out of my chest. I literally can't believe my eyes and then I think play it cool so you can get a better price. Price!?! Who cares I want this piece even though it requires a rearranging of my house or a bigger one. Thankfully my husband sees my vision (well kinda) and we make the purchase. Needless to say we are very happy and I think he loves it more that I do.

     Thank you for listening to my short story and I do hope that you'll come back for the next one.

  The Blue Farmhouse
The Blue Farmhouse. All rights reserved. 2025 BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.