Thursday, October 24, 2013

"I Say A Little Prayer For You..."

 I'm praying for my grandma

 For more awesome finds...

 Like these...

And these...old shoe horns

     Well only about 2 weeks left and we're headed off for our first big show! Again I'm excited, nervous, anxious but also prepared...and these are just a few more things that'll you can expect to find in our vendor space. 

     Until next time...hopefully Ryan and I are off for the time of our lives... wish us luck. 

     The Blue Farmhouse.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

"Restauranteur...Silly Me!?"

     No I'm not opening a restaurant...but I dream of finding a big farm style table for my back patio [and I will], with strings of white lights strung along the trellis coupled with friends old and new on one of our beautiful Indian summer nights...and of course delicious food.

     Is this the reason why I keep collecting these beautiful white dishes? I love the nostalgia is gives of days gone by...
                        or am I just crazy about dishes!?

     I think the latter is probably more truer... but it never hurts to plan ahead! Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and always dream a little...I always do.

     The Blue Farmhouse

Found 3 stacks of these beauties
[some w/blue trim]

I love these dishes

Found 2 old tins "Holland Che - Cri 
Cheese Crispies

Stacks of Buffalo plates

Beautiful Pinterest images

Friday, October 18, 2013

"Life's Simple Pleasures...Blue Farmhouse Style"

     Just sometimes...the most beautiful things come in very small packages. All I need is a quick glance and joy springs up like bellowing waters...tickling my inside with happiness just thinking of it...

     It's the smallest, cutest, most adorable -tutu-...worn by Painted Toe when she was very small. It now has a permanent place in my "Home Sweet Home" and most important my heart!

     Happy days...happy weekend!

     The Blue Farmhouse.

 Delicate Memories

 A favorite viewing spot

Home Sweet Home

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"23 Days and Counting..."

     I'm really excited (and nervous) as I prepare for my first show and I'm literally running out of storage room...which happens to be the living room, garage and kitchen table. I have converted many beautiful old frames into chalkboards. Also I will have for sell some very large mirrors, chandeliers, vintage lamps, beautiful dishes, furniture and so much more!

     I sure do hope to see you there. Until next time happy collecting, thrifting and "show time"...

     The Blue Farmhouse... I'll show you more later.

Big mirrors

Converted frames

Love all the details

It's almost show time!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

"More Mirrors..."

Today's finds

     Not sure about the picture (long day)...but I'm absolutely positive that these mirrors and frame will make any customer very happy. I'll give these pieces a good cleaning and a little paint job...and they'll be a beautiful addition to any home decor. 

     I'm still shopping for more beautiful things to fill our space with at next month's Remnants of the Past Vintage Show in San Luis Obispo, CA. Ryan at The Blooming Thread and I are very excited and honored to be one of many vendors participating this year. I hope that you're planning to attend? If so come and check us out...there'll be lots of beautiful things to choose from.

     Until next time...happy collecting, thrifting and planning. 

     The Blue Farmhouse.
The Blue Farmhouse. All rights reserved. 2025 BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.