Saturday, March 23, 2013

"My Passion...Collecting"

     I hope your weekend has been a good one so far. Mine started out with no real plans for thrifting out of town, because of needing to study. Instead I stayed close to home and look at what I found right outside my front door. The hardest part was informing my husband that I just found another chaise lounge...for only $20.00. And I picked up this rusted and faded trash can with just a hint of the green coloring showing and a platter for $3.00. I know...I's not in good condition but I just had to have it.

     Unfortunately I didn't capture a good enough picture to share at the moment, but trust me it's beautiful. The platter is medium in size with a faded blue trim. And on the brim of the platter is a small bird with roses all around it.

      I love finding the unexpected and I'm not daunted at all on the condition of this lounge. I'm going to take it to be re upholstered and I hope you will return for the reveal of the "new" chaise lounge.

     Today's finds

I love this faded trash can

 Chaise lounge



Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"The Luckiest Girl"

     I'm the luckiest girl in the world, because I'm a proud grandma! I'm so thankful to have my son and his family here for a short visit. Just look at how much Lil Brown Feet has grown, and Painted Toe is now walking, as well as, biting if you stick your fingers in her mouth. (Ouch!) And, of course my other granddaughter is affectionately called "Snowflake". Do your grandchildren have strange sweet names like mine?!

     I couldn't be any happier than I am right now, except to share my JOY with you.

     Until next time... The Blue Farmhouse.

Painted Toe



Painted Toe and Lil' Brown Feet

Oh no....


I'm okay 

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