Friday, April 22, 2016

"I've Been Framed"

Large Chalkboard frame

My hubby...always here for me

Found vintage gold frames

Repurposed beautiful for any special occasion

And still a lot more to finish...

     I literally have a wall of vintage frames that I have collected and repurposed to functional chalkboards. So you might ask what do you do with them....well I will answer that question very shortly but not in this post! Whenever I'm out at the flea markets, thrift stores, yard sales or where every I'm looking for them. Fortunately they usually find me and I happily bring them home. 

     I'm thankful for my hubby who always does a great job making sure that they look very beautiful and neat. So until next time and hopefully sooner I'll show you some other things that I'm doing. 

     Until then happy collecting, thrifting and thank you very much for stopping by.:)

     The Blue Farmhouse
The Blue Farmhouse. All rights reserved. 2025 BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.